Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

Did back tonight, no back pain which is good. Did lots of rows and pull downs, nothing worthy of writing however!
Last night's workout. Lower back is still tight from last week's injury so I've done no lower back or leg work this week, saving myself for the meet on Saturday. So did Chest / Tris for the 2nd time this week! Only did chest on Monday, so probably not fully recovered

BB Bench
30kg 12
50kg 8/8
70kg 8/6/6
60kg 10/8/8

Pec Deck
40kg 10 (slow reps)
60kg 10/10

Cable Crossovers
17.5kg 10
20kg 10/10/10
20kg on this cable machine is actually damned heavy, took a lot of effort just to get in to position!

50kg 8/7/8

DB OH Extension
10kg 10/9/9
Pretty sure last chest session must've been 8kg, as 10kg was hard!

Cable Push Downs
20kg 10/12/12

BW 8/8/8

Nice bit of volume.
Yeah, it fried my shoulder tbh but I think that was the last sets on the 70s where form was definitely fatiguing. I was doing all my cues to keep in position, but when the last rep is such a grind you almost **** yourself, something's gotta give - and it wasn't gonna be my bowels! :p
Genuinely it was. 'Cause of my gyno I don't really get a good shape with my chest even with a pump, but you can see the lines between the upper and lower pec when I get a mad pump on.
Yeah the gym is still heaving with the new guys, so no benches available to do some incline DB work. But the machine is actually pretty good, mimics a press motion really well and both arms cross your body, so you can really squeeze your pecs with it. One of the better chest machines I've seen.
I'm sure it's good quality - I just don't like machines but especially pec decks! :D

However, it's working for you - so I'm not taking anything away from it, it's your log and your workout after all! :)
It's the first time I've used anything like that in months, if not years - and I never normally would. I just didn't want to stand around waiting for a bench :D I very rarely use machines in any of my workouts when I'm training alone, massive fan of free weights :)
Cot Dayum, my log fell to the second page :(

That's right, everyone loves a good shoulder session.

Dislocation Stretches

20kg 10
40kg 8
50kg 8/8/5
40kg 8
SO close. Really wanted that 3rd set, but I felt weak on the 1st, so no surprise

Power Clean
60kg 8
70kg 5
Right knee started getting painful so stopped these

20kg 10/10/10
Last set challenging but do-able, need to up the weight

Face Pulls
45kg 10/10/10/10
Done on the lat pull down machine

Cable Side Raises
3.75kg 8/8/8
Done behind my back as per Ultra's recent shoulder video

Not a bad work out, plenty of shoulder pump going on. That 50kg OHP will be mine next week :mad:
Nice OHP mate, that's awesome. What did you think to the side raises being done like that? I found them quite satisfying :p Will be doing them once I start up at the new place.
Didn't feel it in my side delts as much as I should I don't think. I did however get some weird ass looks from people doing my face pulls on the lat pull down machine, stood on top of it and leaning right back.

This was not a great session. Not a terrible session, but I did think I was going to die. Was heading to Gainsville but got slightly delayed due to an incident on the lines in Snap City.

Pull Ups
BW 8/8/5

80kg 8
100kg 4
120kg 2
130kg 8/8/0
Yep, 0 on the 3rd set. Mixed grip for first two sets but knew my grip wasn't going to hold for the 3rd. Went to get my straps from my bag and during the walk could feel the pump in my lower back. It was huge. And from my recent injury, massively uncomfortable. It wasl ike having a really tight muscle, which was now massively pumped and pulled even tighter. I got back, strapped up, tried to lift it and couldn't budge the bar. Took it down to 100kg, did 1 rep and realised if I continued, I was going to snap in half. Re-racking the weights was agonizing as well.

But the show must go on!

Writing it off as nothing more than an uncomfortable pump (could be a doctor, me), I continued with lots of pulling.

Low Cable Row
40kg 10
45kg 10/10/10

Lat Pull Down
65kg 10/8/8

DB Row
26kg 8/8/8
Nice and slow


No bicep work as the DB corner was beyond busy. Ridiculous. Bunch of phaggot bros swinging DBs up for curls and chatting in big groups. Big jaw gains, smaller arms than my (mom's) spaghetti.

Time to start stretches and lay off the deadlifting for a good week or two.
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