SPAZ - Space Pirates and Zombies

Finding it really hard to keep motivation in playing, the last hour has just been warp to a system, kill the UTA on the next jump gate .. warp to next system to get closer to the storyline. Theres no interest or interaction with the masses of pointless systems around the outside.

They are working on more variety with sidequests I think but yeah if things get too easy thats what it boils down to. I did my first game with 300 stars and on those occasions where my primary quest marker was halfway around the galaxy you'd find yourself just slaughtering the warp gate guards and moving straight on. So this time I lowered it to 150 stars, generated to make sure my starting point wasn't excessively overlevelled and I'm seeing how it goes with shorter distances all round.

It also means I don't have to search half a galaxy before I find a bleeding blueprint.
I love the leech emitter on the huge carrier. :)

I need to start over and play with these crews additions, look interesting.
They are working on more variety with sidequests I think but yeah if things get too easy thats what it boils down to. I did my first game with 300 stars and on those occasions where my primary quest marker was halfway around the galaxy you'd find yourself just slaughtering the warp gate guards and moving straight on. So this time I lowered it to 150 stars, generated to make sure my starting point wasn't excessively overlevelled and I'm seeing how it goes with shorter distances all round.

It also means I don't have to search half a galaxy before I find a bleeding blueprint.

Let us know how it goes. Very tempted to lower the number of stars.
fixed uncommon spec achievement sometimes not working
fixed fusion beams, mines, particle cannon now cause anger in enemy ships
fixed mass driver can pass through zombie killer shields (i reported that one 24 hours ago)
fixed no acheivement credit for re-exploring stars
fixed sometimes warpin stuck ship state
changed balance of power starbase not an insanely strong

Yeah clear english on update notes isn't a high priority :D

Gist of it is.
Fixed uncommon specialist achievement.
Fixed certain weapons not causing friendlies to get angry at you, letting you kill them without them even noticing.
Fixed mass drivers not reflecting off zombified ships shields as they were causing max damage instead of almost none.
Fixed exploration achievement.
Fixed... I have no idea :p
I also have no idea, looks like it was cut short ><
Yay, I finally got a Sunspot for my first huge ship, but its a weak choice for a beam spec.

I need to find more Hammerheads to kill for blueprints.
I dunno, it still has plenty of potential. Good manoeuvrability, triple mounted turret option, if you don't want to use the drone bays you can convert them into 3 boosters and the utility points give you up to 3 more. Hammerhead is the ultimate battleship though. I'm looking forward to turning it into a cloak boosted bringer of death.

Has anyone tried out Mines?
I havnt got any points in turrets yet, though the single large turret is deadly with a huge fusion beam.

I kind of didnt realize that it has max maneuverability, its still really slow. I'm going to try putting shield upgrades in all the drone and extra utility slots and see if I can make it indestructible :p
Took ages but I finally took out a lvl27 gate at lvl13 on Expert. Mass Bombs + Cloaking + Patience = Easy victory. Thought the Right Hook wouldn't play nice so I had to kill it using a Turtle Head:p
This game needs more purchases and support!


OMG :eek:
The devs are excellent. They have given out so many free keys for various reasons. It is also an excellent game at an excellent price - I really hope lots here buy it and spread the word :)
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