Spec me an LED Torch

So, as it's getting to winter and I still want to walk the dog around some fields I am looking at an LED Torch.
I have been looking at the 3 LED 10000lm one for £20 of eBbay

I obviously have a few reservation, so I am wondering if anyone has purchased one. They all seem to be clones of each other, Cree, Power, Eflseland

My reason for wanting one are: It's a big field, I'd like it to set fire to tree's it's so bright :D
It's cheap.

Is it just a waste of time and money, since it's chinese tat, or are they a bargain?
I aplogise that this thread probably explains it, but it's massive and I could be trawl for hours trying to find out.
My Best cheap torch is a Skyray king, it can be had for sub £20 nowerdays.

It's a 6 LED 4 18650 chinese jobby. But I have had mine for over 4 years and its still in use on the original batteries.
Its currently in my Mrs' car as her emergency torch, but I was using it daily for a couple of years before replacing it for a 6D-cell self converted Maglite. I only moved to the D-cell so I could us it longer between charges!
What is the output like, this is my main concern. I want it really bright. Is the "claimed" lumens from these chinese jobbies as powerful as they claim?
I'm looking for a torch that's less than £50 including batteries.

Main use will be to light up my garden when the dog decides to explore the corners that aren't covered by my outdoor lighting. Distance I need to cover is around 30 meters so something with a good throw and the ability to flood light would be ideal.

Thanks :)
Well I have been doing a lot of research, and frankly 30m is not very far when it comes to these new cree leds. They can go 100 easy.
You could spend a tenner and reach that. If you go for a zoomable one then it should cover most of the garden in some half decent light.
If you want to iluminate the whole garden then something like this was what I was going to get.


No where near the level of lumens it claims but it would still be damn bright.
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Well I have been doing a lot of research, and frankly 30m is not very far when it comes to these new cree leds. They can go 100 easy.
You could spend a tenner and reach that. If you go for a zoomable one then it should cover most of the garden in some half decent light.
If you want to iluminate the whole garden then something like this was what I was going to get.


No where near the level of lumens it claims but it would still be damn bright.

I would avoid these exta LED Skyray, internally, they are probably no different to the fewer LED one I had, but you will get lower run times, and i found with mine, lower brightness too!

The original was the best!
I forgot about this thread, I have quite the arsenal of Torches.

I tend to buy a new one every year,

My current collection is:

Jetbeam PC10
Fenix LD05
Zebralight SC600 II L2
Nightcore TM06s
OLight M2X-UT Javelot
Stilva Head Torch

Loads of Panasonic NCR18650B mostly unprotected button tops but i have a few protected flat tops also, a few EFEST IMRs too.

The TM06s is an absolute beast, outstanding spill and plenty of throw. 4000lumens. Runs 4x18650s.

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It's bright. Don't worry about that!


I think it's actually my brightest torch still today. I think I have the 3 LED version, and its better than the 6, if you can find the three, go for it!

I believe this is the best price:

This looks like a decent torch. Recently took on a dog and need something decent for those evening walks. Dog is black so the swine is difficult to locate when its pitch black :p

What would you recommend in terms of batteries from that site to go with the torch? So many 18650 batteries with different capacities and makes I don't know where to begin.
Mine came with cheap Chinese fakes, but they have worked well, charged in my notecore intellicharger i4.
So if you buy anything from there they will be better than what I have!
I have also used 18650's from old laptop batteries in one or two smaller torches, seemed to work well.
Looking for a Torch for dog walking. Budget of upto £50, any suggestions?

Currently using a LE Adjustable Focus LED £7 rainforest one, and looking to upgrade this.
Looking for a Torch for dog walking. Budget of upto £50, any suggestions?

Currently using a LE Adjustable Focus LED £7 rainforest one, and looking to upgrade this.

If you could stretch to a bit more I would recommend the Zebralight SC5 http://www.flashaholics.co.uk/products/zebralight-sc5.html

I have the SC5w and its just easier that torches are smaller and run of AA batteries that are easily available almost anywhere. I have owned quite a few larger expensive torches and sold them all because they are not much use if they are big, heavy and run on batteries that you always need to charge - sure you need to charge AAs but its better knowing they are in remotes and all sorts of other stuff around the house

The SC5 also has a great user interface even if its a bit confusing at first
I am using cheapy ultrafire and trustfire (lol) 18650 sets.
I'm sure they are ultra cheap Chinese ones, as they came with the torches.
No problems yet, using a Notecore intellicharger i4

Thanks for that.

The i4 charger isn't available on the site you've suggested for the torch. Can you suggest on that is so I can order from the same site?
Any suggestions for a good quality compact AA LED torch please?

I have one of the cheaper CREE metal ones from Amazon but want something a bit better quality.
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