
I'm terrified of them. On Sunday my car battery was flat, so I popped open the bonnet and there was a tarantula sat on the air con unit. Hit it several times with a tree branch that was on the floor, but now I'm thinking what if it laid eggs and loads of spiders come out of the air vent when I'm driving! Don't want to get back in the car now for a couple of weeks until the danger is over.

Something like that?
I'm terrified of them. On Sunday my car battery was flat, so I popped open the bonnet and there was a tarantula sat on the air con unit. Hit it several times with a tree branch that was on the floor, but now I'm thinking what if it laid eggs and loads of spiders come out of the air vent when I'm driving! Don't want to get back in the car now for a couple of weeks until the danger is over.

Just to reassure you that everything will be OK. Did you know that the relatively harmless huntsman spider in Australia is also a spider to blame for a lot of deaths? Despite having venom not really deadly to humans, they often like to hide in tucked away spaces....

So they often hide within between the sun-visor and when people pop them down they have a massive spider jump out onto their lap/face and they veer their car causing a fatal crash...

Wait... was I supposed to be making you feel better? :p
Just got another monster one then. I know it's the time of year but this seems rather over the top. At least 6 monster sized beasts in the last few weeks. Feels like torture.

Went to my storage crate last night to get some stuff, the front of it is covered in massive fat spiders, had to stand there throwing stones at the crate from 15ft away trying to get them off it.

Then of course, I put my hand under the lock to put the key in, and 2x massive ones drop right out, I’m like reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Gonna get one of those army bomb disposal robots to open it next time..
Found a huge spider skin under the bed this morning when I was sliding out the scales for a weigh in.

This means that the owner is an even bigger spider lurking in our bedroom somewhere.
Here’s a small one I had in the house, just picked it up and put it back outside.
I've vacuumed some huge spiders last 2 weeks since weather has cooled 3 in bedroom 4 down stairs , 1 of the scuttling from under the sofa reminded of that scene from The Thing when head grew legs . Still better than 2 years ago when I rubbed my face in my sleep and when I woke up I had a large spider smeared all of it :eek:
I rolled over in bed one night and found a large squashed one by my right hip next morning.

They are really cute ain't they. Those huntsmen are big though.
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