
We have so many corner spiders (pholcidae) in the house but these are allowed as they eat other spiders and stay in the corners.

I can't handle the big fat house spiders. Eww.
If the corner spiders keep those away, they can stay!
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We have so many corner spiders (pholcidae) in the house but these are allowed as they eat other spiders and stay in the corners.

I can't handle the big fat house spiders. Eww.
If the corner spiders keep those away, they can stay!

Do they creep up on other spiders by cornering them by any chance?
I'm pretty sure my giant pal was one of these:

Warning, do not click if you want to be able to sleep again.

Cool, I hate house spiders, but let's read the link and find a bit more about them anyway.

lancswt.org.uk said:
When to see: January to December

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I'm pretty sure my giant pal was one of these:

Warning, do not click if you want to be able to sleep again.

I disturbed one of those the other day and the damn thing faced up to me. :cry: They usually run off and hide but this big one started coming at me, so I put it outside using a jar for a time out.

Never seen a false widow, think they are more common down south.
I left the back door open the other day and my young son alerted me to a huge spider that bold as brass strolled in and (as if he knew the way) started to walk to the living room. I was brave enough to cover it with a plastic pot and wake my wife up to deal with it!

Oddly I have a large rock/wood pile in my garden that I’m sorting through. It’s full of false widows and as long as I have my work gloves on I don’t mind getting stuck in!!

Bit weird but I caught this in our daughters room last year. I didn't want to kill it but I also didn't want to release it nearby so I just kept it in a plastic prison for a number of weeks and chucking in the odd insect every now and then. :cry:
We have had loads in the house this week. Last night we were watching a movie when one of the cats launched off the sofa at something on the floor. It went under the coffee table so we didn't get a look at it. A couple of minutes later this bloody great spider came out from underneath and even the cat backed away from it. She usually "plays" with them before eating them so for her to run from it says how big it was. Wifey "slippered" it as it was on her side of the floor (that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it) and we heard the damn thing pop. Really don't like spiders!!
Another monster one just scampered under the sofa and vanished. Not good. That's the third very large one seen in a couple of weeks. The others were dealt with, this one is on the loose.
I've been doing some work in the shed over the weekend so have had all sorts of giant beasts keeping me company! This little one was determined to check out what I was doing and I thought she looked pretty cool.

I got bitten by a spider earlier this year and I'm pretty sure it'll have been a falsey. I noticed a funny raised bit of skin on my leg, touched it and it fell off leaving an odd looking wound. I then noticed tracking from it was a bruise and a few inches away a hardish lump forming. I took a picture of the mark and on zooming in two small holes could be seen. I washed it and slapped loads of savlon everywhere. Luckily it didn't get any worse and only tracked a few inches away from the initial bite.
I had exactly the same last year with two little puncture marks on my calf. My whole leg was swollen and it had started to track but luckily sorted itself out in a few days. It was my own fault for stomping leaves into the wheely bin wearing shorts though.
I've been doing some work in the loft lately and this blighter has been keeping me company


I've no idea what type of spider it is but I've named him Wolsey.


That is until he gets sucked up by the vacuum cleaner!
Looks like a funnel web spider to me. They can bite and puncture the skin, if you annoy them that is.
I'm terrified of them. On Sunday my car battery was flat, so I popped open the bonnet and there was a tarantula sat on the air con unit. Hit it several times with a tree branch that was on the floor, but now I'm thinking what if it laid eggs and loads of spiders come out of the air vent when I'm driving! Don't want to get back in the car now for a couple of weeks until the danger is over.
I'm terrified of them. On Sunday my car battery was flat, so I popped open the bonnet and there was a tarantula sat on the air con unit. Hit it several times with a tree branch that was on the floor, but now I'm thinking what if it laid eggs and loads of spiders come out of the air vent when I'm driving! Don't want to get back in the car now for a couple of weeks until the danger is over.
Nuke it? Just to be safe.
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