Midway through the discussion Traynor turns up the personal nature of the attack saying: “I remember you when you were at the top of your game at the Evening Times, sadly we lose it, some of us can’t hack it.”
Young left the Evening Times in the late 1980s and has been with the BBC for more than twenty years.
Soon afterwards Young said: “I’ve called the Daily Record liars in the past.”
Traynor was quickly back on the attack: “I think somebody in a position of authority in BBC should have a whisper in your ear and say enough is enough, you are in enough trouble already.”
After a relatively calm period describing other aspects of the crisis at Rangers the simmering contempt between Young and Traynor took a very personal turn for the worst.
“I’m just wondering now you’ve become a Rangers puppet,” Young added.
Traynor fired back: “Thats a direct quote from Rangers 20 year cheer-leader, well done Charles.”