***SPOILERS*** Football 14 -17 May 2010/2011

Arsenal really do suck in 4-5-1, but wait, anyone with half a brain has known that for..... 5 years.

Yet again Bendtner on, Bendtner's play creates chances and a goal. Chamakh marginally more useful and probably should have had the goal allowed.

Wenger, completely rubbish performance last week, so the magical ingredient to changing that for this week was...... the same team playing the same way, then when you make changes, ignore the most effective sub last week in Bendtner, and bring on the worst sub from last week. Genius, truly brilliant.

Wenger has zero ability to learn from previous performances, he hasn't learnt a single damn thing in the past 6 years. Theo Walcott flat out refuses to defend, is literally incapable of it, still starts him and still plays him on the right. Sagna/Squillaci are mistake prone morons who consistantly let people run in behind them, make a change, hell no, let them do it again.

Take off the worst player on the pitch rather than one of the best when making subs? Nope, still not learnt that lesson, stop playing the completely ineffective 4-5-1, nope. RVP's decided he wants to be Rooney and spent much of the game as a central midfielder, no idea why. Got the goal but generally was poo throughout, his shot off the post while close he spent ages in the box ignoring passes, and ignored the chance to shoot first time so many times its a joke........ and can't take a freekick or corner to save his damn life anymore.

Can see it already:

Wenger - "We lacked sharpness"




Understandable but harsh, Gold and Sullivan might be the two worst owners in the league, they completely undermined both Zola and Grant throughout the last season and a half. West Ham have had worse injury problems than every single other team, and when they were desparate for a CB and a real right back, the morons in charge last season brought in Mido, Ilan, Mccarthy as "big name" signings/loans for no apparent reason.

This season they did the same, spent a lot on strikers and then on a couple rubbish right backs, rather than on the positions that needed it.

Bridge has actually had quite a few very good games, but 80k a week or so, and not even close to match fit for his first 3 games, and the whole ridiculous trying to install a new manager in the transfer window.

Too many rubbish players in the team, and too many of the reliable players they needed to survive have been injured most of good portions of the season. First team back 4 have barely played a single game all season, first team midfield haven't and upfront everyones had injuries aswell.

Frankly Zola or Grant in charge but without the owners getting involved in bringing in what they seemed to think were big name signings and West Ham should have been easily safe.

Look at the difference in Liverpool with Meireles hitting form and Suarez joining, if they'd brought two awful players instead, they could have gone the other way instead, thats pretty much what happened at West Ham, except with about 5 more first team injuries than Liverpool had.

Zola + Clarke should be remembered for their first season, which was awesome, the second season was, financial meltdown, players being sold out from under him, unable to replace them, more than half the first team squad missing most of the season and then dumb and dumber coming in and buying Mccarthy and Mido to "save" their season.
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Just come back from the Wigan match. Did anyone else see the plane with the banner saying "Avram Grant - Millwall legend" ? haha.

Easily the best match I've seen all season (Bollton fan here, not hard :P).

Rob Green had a great game!! Bit unlucky that the ball went under him for the last goal but you can only do so much.
bad decisions by ref in arsenal game, should have had a pen and red card for foul on Wiltshire and that was a goal but we didnt deserve to win, another shower of **** wenger needs to buck up or get out

maybe avram could buy some decent talent for arsenal with the £100m that wenger is sitting on and not spending!
As bad as Grant was, I feel a bit for him after the way he was messed around earlier in the season with the O'Neill stuff. Even the way he's been sacked has lacked class; they should have waited until tomorrow and sacked him then.
Was always going to happen. He just can't manage at all sadly. Big Sam as next WH manager?

Hope so, someone that'll put the fire back in their bellies. Him or Hughton, Houghton being first choice seeing as though he's "been there, done that" :)

Curbs seemed up for it on Goals on Sunday this morning.

I do Agree Baz. Getting a room from Mr Whelan at the last minute and sacking him is unfair. How the hells he meant to get home?:D
I'm sure Gold and Sullivan are not heartless enough to make him walk home ;)

Although, if you're Grant, would you want to get on the team coach minutes after being sacked?
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