
edit: o yea mustards quite good but takes about a week of continued use mornin and night

This, took about a week and stung like nobodies business as you need to leave it on for a good 20 mins or so, but my face is as clear as a baby's bum now. :)

you don't need any of these chemicals that people are suggesting, liable to bring you out in a rash if you're not careful tbh.
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Agree about the diet thing. I am 37 and still get spots though. My diet can cause an outbreak but only if I eat crisps or greasy food. I use a PH balanced soap, try to keep hand to face contact to a minimum and keep my hands clean (Steri-gel) just in case.
Food does improve your skins condition. Essential fatty acids are needed for the body to function properly, as well as zinc and magnesium and other essential vitamins aid in promoting the body to function properly, also make sure to include protein in every meal and get regular exercise.
Any doctor or dermatologist will tell you that there is absolutely no scientific connection between diet and acne. If anything it's made worse by touching your face with greasy fingers after eating fastfood.

There's not much you can do. I had severe acne in my teens and tried every product under the sun. All useless. It was only after treatment with medical drugs it improved.
I still get spots and bloody 22!!! I find all the usual stuff doesn't work and just making sure I wash my face twice a day helps a lot. The highstreet stuff made mines worse.
tiuwop tbh :D :p

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