
If you don't have it 'mega' bad then I would assume it's to do with diet or hygene.

I had spots in my teens. The fact I was overweight and ate complete **** was the cause. A healthy diet results in a healthy body. I don't get spots anymore scince I cleaned up my diet and exercise plenty. Make sure you're washing properly. It might be down to stress etc as some people come out in rashes, others get IBS perhaps you get spots?

There are lots of face scrubs out there which might be worth a shot. Don't have a go at them if they're not fully developed as you'll just damage the skin, it'll go even more red and taken even longer to heal resulting in even more embarrasment!

If it persists see your GP :)

Good post mate :cool:
Probably ingrown hairs - after you get waxed you need to exfoliate very regularly or you get them. Girls get the wax spots all the time if they don't exfoliate after waxing. A good salt scrub, body brush or just a loofah in the shower will do the trick.

Yeah I checked and they said it was dead common, it wasn't ingrown hairs though, they're like little red spots, these were like proper spots. What I read on the internet was that you're sposed to disinfect your back like immediately after, it said even it was dettol. I've bought a big body brush since and scrubbed everyday with it and this brazil nut body wash (brazil nuts are apparently dead good for skin, whether this is just brazil nut flavoured though I dunno) from what I can tell there is barely any improvement.

I'm 22 and get ID'd all the time, I have clear skin. It's not the spots :)

No but the spots dont help, the few times my face has been clear I've never had a problem.

This is seriously affecting my self confidence now, for years I had the best skin, and then ok skin in a normal bunch and now I have the worst skin in nearly everyone I know. Like I say its not bad and it could be a lot worse, you see a lot worse most days on the street but thats not the point. Plus the spots on my back really are terrible, at least the ones on your face aren't a shock to anyone, if you're fat then everyone knows you're fat, when you take your top off no one goes "I didnt know he was fat" but with something you cant see like spots it'd be a massive shock when all of a sudden everyone could see them.

I'm going to the doctors on Monday and saying look right, this is like the 5th time I've been about this, everytime I'm given the recommended course, it doesn't work can I please be recommended to a dermatologist. If they still say no what can I do? Can I demand to see one?
I'm going to the doctors on Monday and saying look right, this is like the 5th time I've been about this, everytime I'm given the recommended course, it doesn't work can I please be recommended to a dermatologist. If they still say no what can I do? Can I demand to see one?

No, they have to refer you.

He'll put your on crappy anti-biotics first. If they work he'll discharge you.

Only problem is once you stop taking the anti-biotics they'll come back.

Then you move on to roaccutane which is what I wanted but was refused.

My skin isn't even that bad. it's more of an anxiety disorder for me :(

20 Now so fingers crossed
unless you have extremely serious acne, there's not much point in anti biotics or roaccutane. Extreme acne is where you are completely covered, as in there is not a place on your face that doesn't have spots on it.

And try panoxyl, it was excellent for me. Your gp could prescribe it for you.
How can a 24 year old suddenly have a mild outbreak of acne????? I have being 100% spot free through my teenage years but now seem to be getting a lot of spots on my forehead :( :(

Just a bit of a rant as it knocks you self confidence somewhat, any tips on how to get rid or reduce spots like some sort of acne cream ect?

This probably sounds very obvious, but I find showering twice a day and washing immediately after sport makes a big difference.
No not just reached puberty!! :D

Ah you may be onto something, I’m kind of a gym freak so only eat healthy foods such as salad – fruit and drink plenty of water but have being recently taking shakes that have anabolic protein in, could this be the cause??

NO! Protein shakes do NOT contain "anabolic" ANYTHING! :mad:

It's probably either a) your diet, b) you're not getting enough sleep c) you're stressed/low d) you've increased your hormone levels owing to working out (doubtful by the sound of your post) e) you have oily skin and are pre-disposed to get it, but it's just happened to have come out at once all of a sudden. f) your diet, g) your hygiene, h) your diet.

You get the picture.
If you are a gym freak (or have just started) then it will be an increase of hormones from the gym. If this is the case then there's not a lot you can do about it until it goes away, which it will after a while.

If you are drinking and eating a lot of dairy products it is also a sign that you are lactose intolerant.

Also, stay away from any up market face wash such as Clearasil or any similar products as all of the chemicals they include don't do your skin any favours.
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NO! Protein shakes do NOT contain "anabolic" ANYTHING! :mad:

It's probably either a) your diet, b) you're not getting enough sleep c) you're stressed/low d) you've increased your hormone levels owing to working out e) you have oily skin and are pre-disposed to get it, but it's just happened to have come out at once all of a sudden.

But I'm guessing he's taking his shakes with milk?

Milk apparently has a strong link with aggravating acne because of the hormones in the pregnant cows.
+1 for mustard, works a lot better than toothpaste.. I find toothpaste irritates the skin and makes it red, however the Turmeric in English mustard helps keep the skin calm.
But I'm guessing he's taking his shakes with milk?

Milk apparently has a strong link with aggravating acne because of the hormones in the pregnant cows.

More so really if you have a pre-disposition to being intollerant to bovine milk. However it is a good point well made. :)

FWIW, I get spots on my back and occaisonally on my face, I get them more when run down, tired. My diet is spot on though I do train hard which can cause hormonal mayhem.

Not really.

There might be no proven scientific connection but many many people have been able to control acne by adjusting their diet. In my opinion acne can definitely be affected by diet.

I think in your case OP you will be best to go with the 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide cream. You can get this in the form of Oxy On The Spot in boots.

Have a read on for further info - tons of great info and advice.
I think in your case OP you will be best to go with the 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide cream. You can get this in the form of Oxy On The Spot in boots.

Have a read on for further info - tons of great info and advice.

It depends, the cream would be good if you get random individual spots, but if you get them all over your face, then the facewash will be better. Also, if you can handle 2.5, then try 5% and 10%
But I'm guessing he's taking his shakes with milk?

Milk apparently has a strong link with aggravating acne because of the hormones in the pregnant cows.

I know the deal with shakes and FF you don’t seem too keen on them! I take USN Muscle fuel (can I post a link to the product?) Plenty of people in my gym recommend this stuff to help with performance! I take it with milk yes on a morning and after my workout!

I have just ordered some hopefuly this will solve the problem only issue is the high % of Benzoyl Peroxide will have to watch my skin :)
Some people have reported irritation from benzoyl peroxide from a lower %, but then switching to a higher % has stopped the irritation. Everybody's different, and you have to see what works for you.
Acne-Spot-Repair-PRODMSSS4/[/url] hopefuly this will solve the problem only issue is the high % of Benzoyl Peroxide will have to watch my skin :)

I currently use Benzoyl Peroxide 5% cream and it is very good stuff. You need to use it sparingly to start with or it will completely dry out your skin.
I know the deal with shakes and FF you don’t seem too keen on them! I take USN Muscle fuel (can I post a link to the product?) Plenty of people in my gym recommend this stuff to help with performance! I take it with milk yes on a morning and after my workout!

I have just ordered some hopefuly this will solve the problem only issue is the high % of Benzoyl Peroxide will have to watch my skin :)

You would have been better of with Quinoderm 5% just applied to your forehead and night, rubbed in and left on.


for £10 i believe you get 3 tubes of quinoderm too....
Not really.

There might be no proven scientific connection but many many people have been able to control acne by adjusting their diet. In my opinion acne can definitely be affected by diet.

I think in your case OP you will be best to go with the 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide cream. You can get this in the form of Oxy On The Spot in boots.

Have a read on for further info - tons of great info and advice.

I believe a few spots or a reaction can definitely be caused by a bad diet, but not acne.
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