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Not exactly a medical question I would have thought, more dietary.

Protein intake has nothing to do with getting acne Since you are increasing protein you may become constipated which blocks your elimination channels and can lead to toxins coming through your pores. Make sure you are balancing your protein with vegetables and lots of water to prevent dehydration and help your system to eliminate wastes. Check for food allergies as well.
I can say tetracycline does not work, I've done 2 courses of it for like 4 or 5 months at a time taking it strictly and seen barely any improvement. I dont have many spots but they are persistent bleeders and I'm sick of it, I'm 22 and far too old to have so many, I did this course the other week and there was this bird who was ridiculously fit, so fit I didn't even bother tryin to talk to her but I made a joke during a presentation that cracked everyone up and she came and caught me up after and we all went for a drink, I was talking to her for ages, then I went to the bar and got ID'd for a J20, not havin that anymore. Got a doctor's appointment on Monday and I'm gonna insist on seeing a dermatologist.

Also, I had my back waxed about 3 months ago and I got loads of spots all over my back, and I mean loads in the space of about a week, they've calmed down now but the hair has grown back and I still ahve some, I went from having a slightly hairy back to a hairy back and bare spots.

I truly am sick of it, the bit about the bird in the bar I can appreciate the funny side of that but I've not gone on holiday this summer because I'm not taking my top off, not been to the gym for the same reason and I'm sick of being ID'd everytime I go anywhere because I have the skin of a 15 year old.
Go to Reading fest?

I have got a couple of spots pop up since the fest, LOTS of dust and only having face wipes on me for the weekend was bound to bring up a few spots :(

Guys the greasy food is BS, go ask a Dermatologist.

In my case its Walkers crisps. If I leave them alone I am fine but if I have a packet or 2 (No more than that) I get an outbreak which is bloody annoying so I put it down to the oil used to cook them hence my comment on greasy food. Any other type of crisp i.e Quavers or Wotsits and I am fine.
The condition of your skin is directly linked to the condition of your digestive system, so if your colon and intestines are blocked with rubbish, then your skin will be too.

Rubbish foods: Chips, Crisps, highly processed foods, burgers, sausages, white bread, sweets, too much red meat, too much dairy product, fatty foods, highly processed breakfast cereals, carbonated sugary drinks, even very spicy foods can set off skin conditions. Watch out also for manufactured mayonnaise, pasta sauces, that kind of thing. Ready made meals are full of crap too.

You do need some oily foods - fish are excellent sources of oils that actually benefit your inner organs, as as seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, linseeds and nuts in general. Just make sure you have no allergies to nuts etc.

There is no easy way to keep yourself healthy, other than eating healthy food, avoiding the unhealthy where possible (the occasional portion of chips won't hurt, but keep it occasional), and staying active and getting regular exercise and sleep. This will help your overall condition enormously.

And as has been said, drink 8 glasses of fresh water every day to keep your system flushed and clean, something I do forget to do quite often.
If you don't have it 'mega' bad then I would assume it's to do with diet or hygene.

I had spots in my teens. The fact I was overweight and ate complete **** was the cause. A healthy diet results in a healthy body. I don't get spots anymore scince I cleaned up my diet and exercise plenty. Make sure you're washing properly. It might be down to stress etc as some people come out in rashes, others get IBS perhaps you get spots?

There are lots of face scrubs out there which might be worth a shot. Don't have a go at them if they're not fully developed as you'll just damage the skin, it'll go even more red and taken even longer to heal resulting in even more embarrasment!

If it persists see your GP :)
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