You've just reached puberty?
Thats a classic
You've just reached puberty?
I was wondering right though, has anyone tried whats called a Salt Water Flush? Its basically a home made enema from what I can see and although its used in weight loss regimens and detox programs mainly, I have seen enemas as an acne treatment before and a quick search of salt water flush and acne comes up with loads of results so I'm thinking of giving it a go.
Are you mad?
I'm going to ask to be refered to a dema tomorrow. I don't suffer from loads of spots anymore (few big ones) My main issue is the redness/oilyness of my skin. Dont know why its like it.
I can wash my face, 1hr later it is close to dripping with oil and sweat. Obviously killing my confidence
No not just reached puberty!!
Ah you may be onto something, I’m kind of a gym freak so only eat healthy foods such as salad – fruit and drink plenty of water but have being recently taking shakes that have anabolic protein in, could this be the cause??
quite possibly - acne has very little to do with diet or cleanliness and more to do with hormones and overactive sebaceus glands.
How do you make your sebaceous glands less active?