
Benzoil peroxide is the only stuff that really works. You can get stronger 5%+ but might be overkill for a few small zits I've had some really bad spots in my teens, like big boils that last for months, and the only topical medication that worked was benzoil peroxide. Use it 3 times a week and apply some E45 cream 20 mins after applying the BP cream.
I get mad acne on my back (y0.) Best advice I have recieved is a tanning bed but at the lowest setting possible, and for the shortest time possible, once a week, works for me.
Benzoil peroxide is the only stuff that really works. You can get stronger 5%+ but might be overkill for a few small zits I've had some really bad spots in my teens, like big boils that last for months, and the only topical medication that worked was benzoil peroxide. Use it 3 times a week and apply some E45 cream 20 mins after applying the BP cream.

Don't use E45. Use something non-comedogenic, freederm or something.
All the advice thats in the thread only proves one thing, that nothing works for everyone and it does my head in.

I've tried so many things, benzoyl peroxide, clearasil, tetracycline, minocycline, face scubs, face steamers, steam rooms, exercise, stopping smoking, resuming smoking (was a long shot), nixoderm, tea tree oil, witch hazel. One time I even tried that apple diet where you eat nothing but red apples for 3 days, I lasted one and a half I think but the guide said by the end of day one it should be loads better, which it wasn't.

I just typed that list in a tiny bit longer it took to read it, there's probably laods of other things I just cant remember, I've bought a long handled scrubbing brush and a strap for my back but nothing works, I dont know if its because of my diet, my stress levels, my emotional state, whether I dont maintain a single regime for long enough but either way, I'm asking for the Roaccutane, the results have got to be worth the side effect risks.
I know the deal with shakes and FF you don’t seem too keen on them! I take USN Muscle fuel (can I post a link to the product?) Plenty of people in my gym recommend this stuff to help with performance! I take it with milk yes on a morning and after my workout!

Yes but there is nothing anabolic about protein powder. Not at all. That's my point. It's just food in powder form, end of. IT's not a magic powder.
I dont know if its because of my diet, my stress levels, my emotional state, whether I dont maintain a single regime for long enough but either way, I'm asking for the Roaccutane, the results have got to be worth the side effect risks.

From what you've said in this thread I think you're right to feel the way you do! Trying endless products and courses of antibiotics with no result is both costly and frustrating! I think when you see your Doctor you should be referred to a dermatologist considering your antibiotics haven't worked. However, don't demand, just explain all that you have in this thread and stress how much it affects you and your life. I've been in a derm clinic where a patient has been referred after one course of failed antib's so I don't see why you shouldn't get referred on.
Roaccutane is very good for spots, but as has been mentioned, it is often only prescribed in severe cases of acne. However, because other treatments have failed, they might try you on it. The side effects can be nasty - most common is drying and thinning of the skin. Chapped lips, dry flaky facial skin will be what is noticed most likely. The dermatologist will of course explain all this to you if he/she decides to start you on the medicine.

Try not to stress too much as this will only make your spots worse! Fingers crossed it all gets sorted out for you x
I don't think there's anything you can really do to try and stop Acne. Yes, you can eat more heathly, apply topical creams, take medication, etc but it will never go 100% away.

I know this sounds Cliché but the only cure is time although for the few unlucky people that isn't the case. I had Acne since I was 16-18 and I've tried nearly everything. I took Minocycline subscribed by my GP, used Benzoyl Peroxide (which is nasty ****, some of it got near my eyes and they it made them swell up for days), many different soaps, eating healthy and god knows how many other things. All of them had different levels of effectiveness but they only surpresed it for a while and never helped get rid of it. In the end I stopped bothering to try and get rid of them and about a year later it started to clear up. I'm 24 now and it's pretty much gone completely, bar a few blemeshes and the odd rogue zit you get every now and then.

The only advise I can give is for after shaving and having sensitive skin. Instead of using aftershave or anything like that, instead use the natural oils contained in your hair and skin (that hasn't been washed of with shampow or soap yet). If you rup you hands through you hair and on you skin and then onto the areas you shaved it'll replace the oil lost during shaving. Your skin obviously won't get irritated as much and it might help stop spot outbreaks caused by shaving. I've done this for a while now and it certainly helps.
arite guys, I went to the doctor and got to see a new one, quite a young lady actually so I expected to be bothered about telling her about the problem. Anyway, she said she'd refer to me a dermatologist as I'd tried a few courses and they weren't working, havent got the letter yet though.

I was wondering right though, has anyone tried whats called a Salt Water Flush? Its basically a home made enema from what I can see and although its used in weight loss regimens and detox programs mainly, I have seen enemas as an acne treatment before and a quick search of salt water flush and acne comes up with loads of results so I'm thinking of giving it a go.

I saw this program where some bird was going round trying all these weight loss "miracle cures" etc and one she tried was a deep abdominal massage which is basically an external enema, she had it and then legged it to the toilet immediately after and took a massive dump (her words), she'd lost somethin like 3 inches off her waist within about 10 minutes and the amount of crap that comes out of your intestines surely purifies summat?

Yeah, it purifies your intestines. Do you have spotty intestines?

Urine is the way to go. rub it on your face, your neck, your back, anywhere you can. Pee in the bath. If your aim's good, shower in the shower.
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