Spring meet 5th April 2014

I'm really excited. The only downside I had last time was the 1098S with my ex on the back (not an ex at the time) wasn't the greatest. And nor was the long distance riding. This time, comfort is in my favor. More than happy to sit on the bike for half a day straight lol. With my current girlfriend on the back hopefully!

Which reminds me, who is bringing anyone? I'm bringing my girlfriend if she has a full kit set.
I guess there won't be any harm in sorting out a route now.

I will look at decent routes. I will avoid motorways on the way out to Brighton, up to your self's on the return trip.
I'll likely be available, but would it be suitable for someone with barely any experience?

Did my DAS a couple weeks ago and have only taken the bike out a couple of times in this weather, which is only really set to get worse.

Absolutely mate, last time it was a casual relaxed pace, no willy waving or fart arsing around. It was a gentle ride to the destination which 4T5 sorted, then those who wanted went on an insane ride (I went a little crazy and maybe pushed it a little... Dare I say the fastest? :P) whilst the others sat and had a drink.

4T5 was on a 125cc!!! As you can see from the OP, there is a large variant of bikes, all shapes and sizes, some built for speed, some built for comfort.
I will have the misses on the back, and probably be using the GPS, although it's a VERY easy route considering the towns we are going through/past are main ones and will be signposted way in advance.

I'm on a big sports tourer bike, and like I said, the misses will probably be on the back so won't be chucking it around by any stretch.
Route sounds good, will be a long ride by sounds of it :)

Yea, it will be going out, but the glorious thing is, the ride back is very short if you take the motorways, which I will to get home.

It should be good! And I think I have the most CC's, woop :P

OP updated as well.
PW 80... My first ever bike... It's the only option lol

I got that when I was a little boy from my dad. It had 3 gears, some poke, I remember he used to take me to some fields that had a wood at the back, the fields had 3 footballs pitches between the entrance of the park and the wood... He would sit on the back and I would ride to the woods lol. Good fun! Looking back, he had a lot of faith in me!

It's a dead easy route to remember as 90% of the journey will have signs pointing to the next town/city.

But, satnav would be good. Almost sold on the Garmin Zumo 350.
Ags did you name me as "Griffin" as some part of an official name change? :P

Also yes I still use Google Maps Nav Thing. The main benefit is being able to play music at the same time, without having to think. I still want a 'real' Zumo thing though... if I can music and nav at the same time.

Changed lol.

I think you can play music whilst the Zumo 350 is doing its thing. I want to try avoid Google maps. My phone is cack and I want something for Europe as well.

My other concern is will something like a Sena SMH5 be audible over the foam ear plugs?
Aye screw it, Short of the impending apocalypse I'm definitely up for this, I'm sure ill get laughed at for my white and grey textiles that are now a lovely dark grey colour due to the weather recently.

Suzuki DL 650.

Updated OP, and if I don't have new boots, you lot can laugh at my VERY worn Sidi boots which now have the toes covered in black duck tape to stop water getting in... They have truly gone past their expiry date. Hoping to pick up some heavier boots at the NEC show in Feb though.

u aint seen my jacket,supposed to be white but stupidly put it in a hot wash n now its all grey:(

im tempted to come but im on my feeble zx6

Feeble? There are smaller bikes than yours, and we will all be taking a casual ride along A/B roads, wouldn't worry about speed being a factor, won't be much if any speed breaking.

agnes at the spring meet?

If the roads are dry... Maybe :P I might go insane like I did on my 1098S at the last meet. God that road was fun!
Or could be...... (40 seconds in...)

Ouch :( Poor guy. He was entering all the corners either too late or too early... Odd riding style, didn't feel like he was comfortable with his own pace. Also, using the brakes mid corner is never a wise thing unless you know you got the grip there lol.
Anyway, if my girlfriend joins, I can almost guarantee my riding style will be much more relaxed lol. The Multi loves to bring up the front wheel when you so much as sniff at the throttle when someone is on the back... I need to sort the suspension setup.
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