I've said this many times, my 748S was and I still think, is the most fun bike I've ever owned, I've had 2 748's now. They were both old, slow and sluggish.
But in reality I am still head over heels for it, it had maybe 93hp when the engine was rebuilt at Louigi Moto.
However, I loved that I could rag that thing like I stole it everywhere, it was the most fun I've ever had on a bike. My 1098S, I will be honest, didn't think much of it. It was a bloody quick bike, don't get me wrong. But that was it's main problem.
Unless you ride the bike hard, it was a chore to ride. I didn't like it around towns, I didn't like it on weekend rides as most of the time I was fighting it to behave. Only when I went to triple figure speeds and pushed my skills to the limits. Which were way lower than the abilities of the bikes did it become a fun bike... Because of that, I didn't enjoy it.
Trust me mate, having low hp on todays roads is still more than enough. If you went onto a current 1L bike, you might feel the same after seeing that the power simply cannot be used and thus, not as fun.