Yeah apparently when you get past approx half way through the main story questline, things really start to get janky. I was advised to wait till it's patched up better before advancing any further.Just a warning, take your time and don't rush the game at the moment. After a certain point (I'm at about 20 hours in), the game gets a lot more buggy to the point it is almost unplayable. Going to pause until the patch that is supposed to be later this week and see if this actually fixes it.
My next main quest mission is Clear Sky then on to Sircaa. Apparently post Sircaa things get really bad. I got as far as Sircaa myself, but reloaded an older save as I was told things progress quite quickly to the point of irreversible changes that effectively kill most of the early settlements. As to whether this is part of the plot line or not is another matter, however I was advised to continue to explore the the zone until patches clear things up a bit.
I've decided to spend a bit more time exploring. I've only really concentrated on lesser zone, garbage and the area to the East and South East of that.
I'm going to spend a bit of time visiting the main settlements and landmarks in the western side. That said I'm sure more of that side and the north will be covered later in the main quest line. I just want to explore a bit more before the balance of the zone is thrown off massively