Stalker Coin

You cant start a sentence with because.

The tone of my post was clearly conversational - I asked a "why?" question and then followed it up with a "because" answer. It's not correct, strictly speaking, but given the rhetorical question and the conversational tone it is acceptable.

I'll bet you'd find it in newspaper articles etc. all the time.
I bought the starcraft 2 limited edition model, it doubled in price after they sold out and people received them and I'm certain if it becomes a big hit in Korea like it's predecessor they'll sell for a lot more than original price.

Or I'll just keep it because it looks cool.
ofcourse i could theres nothing protecting the coin and the guy has the schematics for it on a website i could have 0 of 100 wrote on the coin if i wanted or 101 of 100.

wanna buy an ocuk coin? massive following here on the forums must be worth something one day

And your letter that came with your coin says....................
Official or not don't mater it is how many that counts.

actually, youre wrong, its how many buyers are interested in it that counts, things such as antiques are sold at auction and if there is only one person who would be interested in something so mainstream as computer games, which lets face it, arent going anywhere, then the bidding wont get very far before the hammer falls
The tone of my post was clearly conversational - I asked a "why?" question and then followed it up with a "because" answer. It's not correct, strictly speaking, but given the rhetorical question and the conversational tone it is acceptable.

I'll bet you'd find it in newspaper articles etc. all the time.

Which newspaper the daily sport?.
This is too easy to get a thread started, followed by insults.

I think the challenge will be to start a thread without, getting insults.

I may try that next.
i dont believe any computer game has ever been worth a great deal of money so far you can still pick up some classic spectrum ,c64 , amiga games for next to nothing what makes you think some pc game will be any different?

I sold a few mint boxed Amiga games a while back - Worms £45, Frontier:Elite II £30, Defender of the Crown £55, Arctic Fox £35, Turrican II CDTV £40
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