Star Trek Bridge Crew

Finally got it set-up on the Rift, turns out I already had a Ubisoft account, that needed linking to my Oculus account, was getting warnings beforehand, a few reloads and confirmations later and its working.

Cranked up SS to 1.6 and it looks good, only done the Captains tutorial so far, need to work through the rest but looks good, controls are nice once you get use to it.
Played a few hours, some as engineer, then I got landed in the captain role by chance and did that for a few missions. The pressure is unreal!

We came out of mission 4 with 1% hull. Let me tell you our engineer was busy that game. It's a real sense of achievement though. Had a great helms man, tactical and engineer for a few games, then got landed with a couple guys on their first go and mission 5 wrecked us fairly quickly.

Pro tip, tactical, scan everything. Engineer, use initiative to decide when you need more engines to complete a turn in combat. Captain, keep your engineer informed because he can't see what's happening, and vice versa. Helmsman, definitely use your initiative to stay out of range of enemy scanners (I had a great guy who threaded us through some nasty stuff while I was focused elsewhere sorting transports etc).

Just awesome
Got to have a blast with my mate earlier. Fun stuff, but needs a full crew really :) If there's anyone who likes to man either the helm or tactical stations, and can play this week during the evenings (UK) from about 20:30ish to around 23:00ish (or any time inbetween), let me know here and/or add me on UPlay (username: FlukeRogi).
Managed to finally jumped on and had a blast.

Got through the tutorials and then straight into a quick play online match, manning engineering.

We were all joking around at the beginning and I noticed that by halfway through it had gotten way more serious and 'sim' like!

If I'm gonna be nitpicky, I think the graphics/art style could be a little bit better (given the seated nature, something like the baked lighting of that LucasArts showed off would be great). The way the consoles you utilise don't really feel like they fit in universe is still a thing, but in the heat of a mission it's fine. In fact, all of the extra "Trekness" of the sounds and chatter around you keep you immersed. Plus when everyone is role playing somewhat seriously it also adds a lot to it. Funny thing is it makes it super obviously now that nobody ever coughs on the bridge :p

But overall I'm very happy and looking forward to getting more into this. DLC packs with other ships would be incredible.

Also can't wait to show this off to my dad/friends...
Same. Jumped in this morning and MIND=BLOWN lol

I think in terms of the aesthetic its geared around the alternate time line from the recent reboots?

So far really excited about this and the possibilities for it cough borg cough cough
Got to have a blast with my mate earlier. Fun stuff, but needs a full crew really :) If there's anyone who likes to man either the helm or tactical stations, and can play this week during the evenings (UK) from about 20:30ish to around 23:00ish (or any time inbetween), let me know here and/or add me on UPlay (username: FlukeRogi).

Cool, will be on at 8:30pm myself. My uplay id is Melmac13. I will add you now. Anyone else?
Agreed, especially when you're playing as captain. Everybody wants to hear "ready to engage warp, captain" directed at them at least once in their life

It's absolutely amazing. "Engage".

I think in terms of the aesthetic its geared around the alternate time line from the recent reboots?

Yes, I actually quite like the aesthetics of the alternative timeline. It's close, but they clearly have have to make a number of heavy concessions on the graphical fidelity to let this run.



It is definitely 'cartoony' but as I mentioned it is acceptable when you get immersed in it.

I think I would have appreciated graphical options to up the eye candy for those that can handle it.

Please don't let anyone reading this to be put off by my comments. This is still absolutely amazing.
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