Star Trek Online

Exploiting the entity even worse now - at about 60%, ramming speed and evasive for the win :) - by about 8x the score of everyone else, lol. 4min cooldown though, booooo.

Edit - not only do I get first place, I get a loot drop almost everytime!
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Got promoted last night to lt. cmdr and got my new escort ship. What I wanted to do next is train my tactical officer in Cannon: rapid fire but i accidently, somehow stupidly, managed to train in Cannon: Scatter Volley. (i had promoted my tactical officer to lt.)

I tried removing the Cannon Scatter Volley skill to make room but I cant find where to do it. I also tried spending some more credits and trained my tactical officer again in Cannon: rapid fire but it says it has to replace Attack Pattern Alpha which I don't really want it to do (ideally, I want it to replace the Cannon Scattor Volley!). My Tactical officer initial ability was torp high yield which I maxed out skill wise and plan on keeping as its nice.

So I reluctantly clicked yes to replace Attack Pattern Alpha with a view to getting it back asap but when I beamed back to my ship I couldn't see where I can equip Cannon: rapid fire! Attack Pattern Alpha was still there too so I am now double confused.

I also tried recruiting another tactical officer (as I now have two slots) but this guy seems useless at the moment because his special ability is Fire at will: beam weapons and is too much of a noob to be trained in anything else. I use 2 Cannons and a Quantom launcher fwd facing with a nice turrent on the aft.

Can any anyone explain to me what I should be doing to equip my my officer with Cannon: rapid fire?

Thanks very much.
If its in the Lieutenant Cmdr slot ie 2nd one up, you need to go to the BO skills trainer and look at the Lieutenant Cmdr skills, not the ensign ones(scroll down) and click it there. Then replace what he has in that slot. Hope it helps.. if not ask me in game.
Can any anyone explain to me what I should be doing to equip my my officer with Cannon: rapid fire?

You need to promote the officer to Lt first. They need a couple of hundred skill points spending on them first but if you have maxed torpedo high yield that should be a problem. Do that in the officer status screen.

Then pop along to the officer trainer in Sol Starbase. Pick the skill Cannon: Rapid Fire and choose your newly promoted Lt. It replaces whatever his current Lt skill is.

Finally you need to assign him to the Lt Tactical station on your Escort. If he is asigned to the Ensign station he will only be able to use his ensign skill.

Attack Pattern Alpha isn't a Bridge Officer skill, it is one of your skills.
Just got the game and got home ready to play...

To be confronted with the message "cannot log in to the server at this time"

Any reason why this might be (have I missed something in the setup stage?) or are others having the same problem?
Quit and try again, happened to me earlier.

Hit Lt Cmdr last night and took Cruiser, then promptly bought an Escort. Best of both worlds :D
In now :)

What is this I hear about Cardassians being a playable race? Are they planning to introduce more playable factions at a later date or something?

Always liked the Cardassians after DS9
In now :)

What is this I hear about Cardassians being a playable race? Are they planning to introduce more playable factions at a later date or something?

Always liked the Cardassians after DS9

That is the plan - to add them later.

Edit: People are paying crazy amounts on the exchange. I have put things on there worth 2,000 for about 50,000 - and people are paying it :D
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That is the plan - to add them later.

Edit: People are paying crazy amounts on the exchange. I have put things on there worth 2,000 for about 50,000 - and people are paying it :D

Yeah i know lol. Got loads of stuff on there like them worthless imo food stuffs worth 20 i stick em to 50 and they buy i wonder if i should do 100 or somit lol.

Hit lt comm other day i went science as mates recommended it to me its a nice ship but could do with all weapons auto as sick of pressin 3 and 4 for torps.
Seems quite good, a little bit slow at the start but just finished the borg stuff and about to do some upgrades to the ship and that.

I still havent set up a sub and im still getting into the game :confused: Not sure how that works

Looking forward to getting out into the game a bit more and enjoying it, nothing amazing yet but just being in the Star Trek world is fun.

Tag is Cmndr_Newts if you want to add me to the OcUK fleet
Seems quite good, a little bit slow at the start but just finished the borg stuff and about to do some upgrades to the ship and that.

I still havent set up a sub and im still getting into the game :confused: Not sure how that works

Looking forward to getting out into the game a bit more and enjoying it, nothing amazing yet but just being in the Star Trek world is fun.

Tag is Cmndr_Newts if you want to add me to the OcUK fleet

Need your chat name exactly as it appears. Probably your beta key still getting you in.
Just got the game and got home ready to play...

To be confronted with the message "cannot log in to the server at this time"

Any reason why this might be (have I missed something in the setup stage?) or are others having the same problem?

The server is being a bit glitchy, try it a few times and it might work. I needed to try it three times.
They butchered ds9 no quarks, dabo girls, outlay diff it just sucks. :(

Bugger! I love DS9 as well.

First impressions I am impressed by the game, considering the fact I have an early start and wanted to be in bed by no later than 10 and I have just logged out now is a good indication.

I love the spacebattles! I find them really good, when you solo fight on a mission it can be tactical and the big space battles are soooo much fun! The ships and every aspect of the space battles handle so much better than I thought they would. always having to turn to present your shields correctly etc and so broadsiding them, its great fun!

However I do find the away missions somewhat poor, find them clunky, the controls are poor and it feels more like playing a ps2 shooter than a newly released MMO. Also I found the away missions, even what I presume should be larger ground battles, seem to be instanced to just myself which kinda sucks. Hopefully they will open up somewhat then I will give them another good go otherwise I will probably just avoid them and focus on spacefights.

Not too sure on the character progression yet, seems like a decent system though I did not particularly spend much time looking at that if I am honest.

I can see the game only getting better as time goes by as you get yourself better ships and get into more interesting and large(r) scale battles as the game advances. Plus it seems that they have a lot of content for the game in the pipeline so cant see it getting tired anytime soon. Plus its great being in the star trek universe! :D

SO yeah, good game so far, pretty impressed, a lot better than any recent MMO's which have been released recently in that it has really caught my attention. Going to give it a good go and hopefully it will be as good as it first seems it will!
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