Star Trek Online

Is there any reason to keep old ships? As far as I can tell, there isn't...? They're all weaker by definition. So I'm thinking of selling all my gear on it.

Also is there anyway to sell ships?
Anyone remember my smart purchase last night. Had a Tetryon array Mk IX, most on the exchange were ranging from 100K to 500K, but there was one at 10K. Bought the one at 10K, then listed that one and the one I already had for 95K...sold them both :D. Between my two characters I nearly have 6 mil now! Can't wait for the weekend to have a proper session.

Edit: Think I have added everyone who posted above?
Anyone remember my smart purchase last night. Had a Tetryon array Mk IX, most on the exchange were ranging from 100K to 500K, but there was one at 10K. Bought the one at 10K, then listed that one and the one I already had for 95K...sold them both :D. Between my two characters I nearly have 6 mil now! Can't wait for the weekend to have a proper session.

Edit: Think I have added everyone who posted above?

I would have done it but woke up mega tired this morning still waking up.

Liked the 10k trick you did! :rolleyes:;)
Just a small rant/annoyance about the game that I have.

I mentioned one of these in fleet chat yesterday before I logged. The fleet actions are annoying me because performance in them is solely based on dps. I have a cruiser so now unless I am lucky or everyone else gets the hell blitzed out of them and spends half the time dead I am never going to be top in dps and so never get any useful items from these battles. Surely there can be some other factors taken into account otherwise why would I really bother with these battles?

Also I am really starting to notice the fact there is absoloutley no point in worrying about which career path you take. At least up until First Lieutenant you learn all the same skills regardless of your career, the only real impact is has is on one or two away team missions. Hell you can even take whatever ship you want so I could just be tactical and end up in a science vessel. Is the whole career system a farce to look as if you have some choice in the matter or is it more relevant at a higher levels?

One last thing, I think they may have made a mistake in letting everyone get to admiral already. Surely they should have included more ranks because what happens after an expansion or two? Either you end up ranked as "ubersuperruleroftheuniverse" because they need another title that they havent got. That or every-single-person in the game is an admiral, which apart from being unrealistic, its a bit annoying that for advancing you will just be a level 25 admiral rather than a level 10 admiral.

Still absoloutly loving the game though! These are just minor little things that have narked me :D
Hey guys, i removed a whole load of mk II junk from the fleet bank and put in some VII stuff. Please there is no point in putting in anything below mk V due to how easy the items are to farm. Infact you will gear yourself out easily when leveling up through t2/t3.
Also I am really starting to notice the fact there is absoloutley no point in worrying about which career path you take. At least up until First Lieutenant you learn all the same skills regardless of your career, the only real impact is has is on one or two away team missions. Hell you can even take whatever ship you want so I could just be tactical and end up in a science vessel. Is the whole career system a farce to look as if you have some choice in the matter or is it more relevant at a higher levels?

That's not really true, while each class is not tied in to a ship type it does make a difference. At Lt8 you get your first space based skill and it differs depending on what class you are. Engineers get Rotate Shield Frequency which is a powerful defensive ability, Tactical officers get Attack Pattern Alpha which boosts offense and Science officers get Sensor Sweep, which stops cloaking, gives you a small offensive boost and debuffs your target. These, and the abilities you get at higher ranks, alter tha way you play. Also you can only train the high level skills to your bridge officers of the class you play. So a Science officer on an Escort at higher level will give up some of the offesense of an escort for a bit of utility and their bridge officers will not be as powerful.
That's not really true, while each class is not tied in to a ship type it does make a difference. At Lt8 you get your first space based skill and it differs depending on what class you are. Engineers get Rotate Shield Frequency which is a powerful defensive ability, Tactical officers get Attack Pattern Alpha which boosts offense and Science officers get Sensor Sweep, which stops cloaking, gives you a small offensive boost and debuffs your target. These, and the abilities you get at higher ranks, alter tha way you play. Also you can only train the high level skills to your bridge officers of the class you play. So a Science officer on an Escort at higher level will give up some of the offesense of an escort for a bit of utility and their bridge officers will not be as powerful.

I hadnt got high enough to see them effects so that is why :)

Glad it does have some impact at higher levels, as I was getting a little narked feeling I was being offered choice but it was in fact nothing!

All is good again!
Is the tribble breeding program over ?

pzr pm me in game and ill join you in some sector defense, ill get you fully kitted within minutes.

If we had more bank slots the gear level wouldnt be an issue. I still cant believe they gave us so few slots :S
Just a small rant/annoyance about the game that I have.

I mentioned one of these in fleet chat yesterday before I logged. The fleet actions are annoying me because performance in them is solely based on dps. I have a cruiser so now unless I am lucky or everyone else gets the hell blitzed out of them and spends half the time dead I am never going to be top in dps and so never get any useful items from these battles. Surely there can be some other factors taken into account otherwise why would I really bother with these battles?

Also I am really starting to notice the fact there is absoloutley no point in worrying about which career path you take. At least up until First Lieutenant you learn all the same skills regardless of your career, the only real impact is has is on one or two away team missions. Hell you can even take whatever ship you want so I could just be tactical and end up in a science vessel. Is the whole career system a farce to look as if you have some choice in the matter or is it more relevant at a higher levels?

One last thing, I think they may have made a mistake in letting everyone get to admiral already. Surely they should have included more ranks because what happens after an expansion or two? Either you end up ranked as "ubersuperruleroftheuniverse" because they need another title that they havent got. That or every-single-person in the game is an admiral, which apart from being unrealistic, its a bit annoying that for advancing you will just be a level 25 admiral rather than a level 10 admiral.

Still absoloutly loving the game though! These are just minor little things that have narked me :D

Cruisers can still dish out the DPS - you just need to get the right build e.g. EPS flow consoles, beam overload etc.

Career path will become much more important. From LtCmdr onwards you will get specific skills depending on your class e.g. I am tactical and get a load of damage enhancing skills.

I agree with the admiral point. There are going to be a lot of them. I have also noticed that the starting areas are really quiet now - great for my cruiser alt :)

Also, I will be on most of the weekend if anyone need any help getting gear from my Mk X kitted out fleet escort :)
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