Star Trek Online

have they changed things like phasers on ships randomly dieing after being shot too much

ive been away for 6weeks and my cruiser seems weak as anything although i fitted it up with all the mod cons lol
I stopped just before my 2 free months ran out. Was a nice game just not as big as i thought and very un mmo like i.e nothing really persistent.

I will have another month sub near end of the year see how it is but will take awhile before decent updates are rolled out. As atm their updates are just so small in content its gona take a year to have a good amount of content to go check out.
I've been back on this weekend, finally made it to RA5. Getting from RA1 to RA3 took an age as there was nothing to do, no new missions, patrols or anything interesting. But, when I eventually hit RA3 I was at RA5 literally two hours later as so much opened up.

My sub runs out on wednesday, but I doubt I'll be back after the free weekend.
i stopped playing after about 2 weeks and went back to wow :p
same as me i just cant get into it,i love the concept of the game but i cant get hooked like wow for instance.
I will look to come back maybe in 6 months hopefully things would have improved
Star Trek Online was released 6 months too early, I was a closed Beta tester from October and play times were massively restricted (3hrs per week wooo!) and Klingons were not added until mid december (launch was the end of february). We gave feedback and a lot of improvements were made (Ground combat was worse, believe me). We tried to get Cryptic to delay the launch and there were plenty of people saying so but it was probably out of Cryptics hands. Atari probably made the decision that they wanted a return on thier investment through box sales and subscriptions and patch the game up later than pay for futher development and so it was released.

I'm still hoping that STO is a grower a bit like LOTRO, its not a Wow killer but it will hopefully be a good solid game that i might choose to join in the future. At the moment i'm watching to see how it pans out.
Tried it again the server seems deader then an extinct dinosaur, seems to be a total lack of players online...At least with WOW you can see people on there every day. Ship battles are ok, but went to Starbase 24 to collect some loot and I was the only one there...thats the starter zone!

I cancelled my account, I am going back to WOW.
It has improved quite abit.

Tho having quiet servers is good at times, fleet actions are more difficult.

I'm not sure about how well its doing, I think it needs more missions and choices, better storylines, less repition.

I wonder if it will fold or be given a chance to grow like eve
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