Star Trek Online

I have not seen a single person from the fleet come on in the last month. I think everyone has stopped subscribing.

Fleets stilll active, but only aslong as one person playing im told. lol.

I'm just trying new content as it comes online.
I have not seen a single person from the fleet come on in the last month. I think everyone has stopped subscribing.

Fleets stilll active, but only aslong as one person playing im told. lol.

I'm just trying new content as it comes online.

We used to have a few lifers in there - not sure if we still do.
cant say ive seen anyone come online. shame really, the whole game seems rather quiet. season 2 is on the way and seems to sort everything out.
As I said in my previous post. The writing was on the wall during Closed Beta testing. Atari would'nt give them the time to improve the game and its still suffering. It had a lot of potential had they taken the time, and had more a little more ambition. Space combat and graphics side its good. Ground combat, klingon faction and story telling its bad.

Star Trek still has a potential. I'm currently re-watching DS9 which in my opinion is the best television series to date. The recent film was good too.

Good ideas and good story telling goes along way in Star Trek.
Question is, can STO b rescued in time.

I consider myself loyal to the franchise and was looking forward to STO but found myself not playing for awhile.

maybe they should study eve online closely.
Meh, I've still yet to activate my copy of the game, I played in the open beta, never got around to canceling my preorder, figured I'd give it a couple months so the month free I got would actually be a bit less buggy and more worthwhile, never felt the urge to actually play it.

Space combat and graphics, for me, were not at all good. Space combat, admitedly only early on, was dull, turn in a circle, fire phasers, fire photon's, fire phasers, fire photons, next target.

The story was SO bad and uninvolving and even just badly given to the player, read in large blocks of small text, that was so boring and generic it was pointless, and doing the same missions over and over basically, after the first hour I never read anything again in the game, there was no need, or point, similar, unsurprisingly, to Champions online.

Ground based stuff was so laggy and felt so wrong it was a joke, from the complete lack of accurate scale(the intro missions in the star ship, anyones thats seen startrek will realise a corridoor that is 3 times the characters height, 10 times his width just, was stupidly wrong.

I think really this game needed to be MASSIVE, it needed to be what the Star Wars MMO is set to be, fully voiced start to finish, massive, no expense spared and MASSIVE effort placed into the story, story comes first, everything else secondary to story. Startrek was always about the story, and they fluffed it completely.

Oh well, nice idea, I'll activate my game at some point, play for a month see a few sites and probably never look back. No idea what happened to the company, City of Heroes was great, lots of fresh idea's, Champions online was a complete joke of "can be played on a console" proportions, and Star Trek had the same feel, painfully dumbed down, with a bad look, bad feel, bad combat and awful story/interface, it never had a chance.
Question is, can STO b rescued in time.

I consider myself loyal to the franchise and was looking forward to STO but found myself not playing for awhile.

maybe they should study eve online closely.

You cannot change a game that much without going back to the drawing board.I knew this game would fall in beta, it was essentially a champion's online mod. I love star trek, but this game is a reminder of another game I quit because they made gameplay breaking changes a week after release that made a game that was really fun for me into a game I could never enjoy again.
Looks like there are some more improvements in Season 2. I have to admit, it seems they are taking the franchise seriously and continuing to improve. Let's hope they carry on and start to see increase in subscribers.

Hailing Frequency said:
Cryptic Studios have just issued an update via their website announcing the Season 2 update for Star Trek Online.

For those of you who do not know, the "Season" downloads, add new and exciting features into Star Trek Online. There has already been a Season 1 and Season 1.1 update, which added new features such as the Difficulty Slider, Injury System, Auto-Firing and more.

The Season 2 Update is looking to be one of the best updates to the game thus far, and will be adding some of the follow features:

Minigames – Yes, there really is a Santa Claus. Or, at least, there really will be minigames in STO. As of update 1.3, you’ll be able to play Dabo at Quark’s. And we’ll be adding several more minigames throughout your ship and the galaxy in Season 2. There’s a great thread about minigames on the forums. Jump on board and chime in!
Federation Diplomatic Corps – Federation players will be able to focus more on non-combat content and gain rank within the Diplomatic Corps. There are some very cool rewards in there, and some new diplomatic/exploration Episodes and missions. In fact, I played through a new “First Contact” scenario yesterday …

We see a lot of potential for future diplomatic updates.
Faction Free Episodes – The majority of Episodic content we’re adding to STO will be faction-agnostic. Both Klingon and Federation captains will be able to play through this content (although, probably not together – unless you really want to). The Breen Episodes and the high-end episodes in fluidic space will be available to Klingons.
Klingon Exclusive Episodes – Because everyone loves Klingons, right? Season 2 has several Episodes just for Klingons. (The Fek’Lhri are scary, but I so want to fly one of their ships …)
Bumping the Cap – We’re moving the cap up 6 grades to Vice Admiral 1. There will be more rewards and more content for those of you up at the end of the game.
Ship Interiors – I (Craig Zinkevich) have walked the curved hallways of my crew deck on the way to MY ten-forward!
Weekly Content – We’re looking to start rolling out an Episode every week. Like a “STO Tuesdays” sorta thing (it may even happen on Tuesdays, but no promises on that one). We’ll start rolling out weekly Episodes after Season 2 goes live.
Fleet Logos, High End Content, and Beyond … all before the end of July.

If all of that isn't enough, Cryptic is also promising some other minor updates to the game, that will be released BEFORE the Season 2 Update - These minor updates include:

The Accolade System – I know how much you guys have been wanting this, and I have to admit, I’m pretty stoked about it, too. Track your achievements. How much phaser damage have you dealt in your career? How many Federation officers have you shuffled off this mortal coil (assuming you’re playing a Klingon. No killing your allies, guys!)
The Squad System – This will let you team up with other players who aren’t in your level, and lets your effectiveness match so you can play together.
Balance Adjustments – We have those DPS/recharge/global-ability-cooldown adjustments that many of our high-end players have been requesting. Log into Tribble and check them out. Give us your feedback! We’re testing it out now, so this is when we need to hear from you the most. Also – don’t forget to log into Tribble to “play with the devs” early next week. We’ll be there, will you?
UI Improvements – We’re working on a window that will show you when rewards happen during normal character advancement (powers, unlocks, bridge officer reqs, etc.)
Bug Fixes and Improvements – We’re always working on fixes and improvements, because a game developer’s job is never done.

When Star Trek Online released, a lot of people commented and felt that it lacked a lot of things which were expected - and Cryptic always promised that they would update the game heavily in the months following launch with new features and content.

They DO seem to be living up to that promise, and at Hailing Frequency, we are fairly excited about some of the updates that are coming.

If you are one of those people who have been boycotting Star Trek Online, perhaps July or August will be a good time for you to check out the free Star Trek Online Demo - which allows you to play Star Trek Online for an unlimited amount of time, but only through the first couple of missions!
It does sound good tbh, saw this a few days ago. Sadly, too late for most though.

Edit: More worrying must be that most people that post on the official forums are lifers - makes you wonder how many active subscribers there are.
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Problem is when an MMO is launched now it has to be good from the start players do not return to games any more, look at Conan, Warhammer etc, had high hopes for this, most of the guild I was in were life subs who got a refund.
What do u want me to do about the fleet rave?

Im keeping it propped up - which is no prob

How does it work? Do there need to be "active members" for it to remain. Feel free to leave for a more active one if you wish - cant imagine there are too many though. How is the game treating you?
Their adding new content all the time but i do have days were i login and see not another ship. Is worrying?

whats the plan for the fleet?
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