Star Trek Online

I cant believe i havent even started playing yet, just been so tired i literally fell asleep as soon as i arrived home... at least work was closed today.

anyone else receive this from the rainforest

Dear Customer,

Greetings from

Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:

"Star Trek Online - Special Edition (PC DVD)"
Estimated arrival date: February 05 2010 - February 10 2010

One of rainforest's aims is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we have fallen short. Please accept our sincere apologies.

You have not been charged for this item. We do not debit money from your payment card until just before your items are dispatched. We will send you a dispatch confirmation email on the date of dispatch.

Thank you for shopping at, we hope to see you again.

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that
cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.


Customer Service Department

As long as you have your open beta/headstart code it won't matter. There will be a grace period of about 7 days for the retail key to be applied.
when does the open beta finish . sorry if this has been asked a zillion times ;-)

***Released 2nd Feb 2010 in the USA and 5th Feb 2010 in Europe***
************ Open Beta 1/12/10 – 1/26/10 *****************
************* Head Start 1/29/10-2/2/10 ******************

I've added everyone from the list I think - my username is jamief00

***Released 2nd Feb 2010 in the USA and 5th Feb 2010 in Europe***
************ Open Beta 1/12/10 – 1/26/10 *****************
************* Head Start 1/29/10-2/2/10 ******************


Er which username do we give to add characters? Is it the character nickname? Or account name (guessing not this)!
Don't be surprised if they extend the open beta to get more data in and only have a day or two downtime before it goes retail, they did with Champions and this game seems as much of a rush job as that one was. Better game mind you, but still rushed.
Er which username do we give to add characters? Is it the character nickname? Or account name (guessing not this)!

Basically you will have - yourcaptainname@youraccountname

e.g. If I call my captain bob then I would be Bob@captainrave

If I were to add this guy, captainrave, because he is such a cool guy I would need to add "captainrave" (without the " ") in the add friend section of the game or website.

You can have a different account and forum STO name - and probably should. Mine is the same, but no one would crack my password.

Don't be surprised if they extend the open beta to get more data in and only have a day or two downtime before it goes retail, they did with Champions and this game seems as much of a rush job as that one was. Better game mind you, but still rushed.

Very likely imo.
I've decided that the most glaringly obvious thing they've left out is the original series combat music for ground combat... dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun DUN-DUNDUNDUN :(
I can't even get this god damn thing dloaded, last night i had a 40 minute wait that lasted over three hours before i couldn;t be bothered and shut the computer down, this morning it was 18 minutes which shot upto over 100 pretty quickly, now its saying 200 minutes...
I can't even get this god damn thing dloaded, last night i had a 40 minute wait that lasted over three hours before i couldn;t be bothered and shut the computer down, this morning it was 18 minutes which show upto over 100 pretty quickly, now its saying 200 minutes...

The beta will be up for quite a while yet :). At least you miss all of the connection issues!
Server seems to be performing much better today, not had any disconnects, or any waiting for characters or the login server, or getting booted due to map not accepting logins.
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