Star Trek Online

uh, just press U, select your ship, drag and drop from inventory

You can do that from anywhere? The last time I tried to just do that on the ship screen nothing happened, although that could have just been due to the lag time it takes to swap items.
Yup its lag. I get the same when changing inventory as well as adding skill points.
Think I had it when selling stuff at the Earth starbase too.

Basically too much lag everywhere.
Haven't been able to get on all night :(

Took me a while too. Hope they have their new server capacity ready for launch!

Well i've played it quite a bit today and i'm still loving this game.

I'm a huge Star Trek fan and this is just what i wanted. Yes, some things could be improved but i think Cryptic have done a great job so far.

Anyone know the cheapest place to pre-order from?


Think the rainforest is the cheapest - however, shipping cost adds to the price if you want it quickly.

You can do that from anywhere? The last time I tried to just do that on the ship screen nothing happened, although that could have just been due to the lag time it takes to swap items.

You should be able to press U, select either yourself, your ship or one of your bridge officers - you cannot equip items in combat. Sometimes keys on the keyboard don't seem to work, another bug I hope they fix (especially during away missions).

Do you get kits from doing mission or do you need to buy them? Also whats the best way of making some money? I sold a few healing items but it didn't get me much.

Oh, one more thing, could someone give me an idea of which skills are worth raising? I know its different for each class but which are generally worth increasing? I'm a bit baffled by the skill system tbh.

I make money by equiping the best drops and selling everything else. I always raise starship command and energy weapons first. Don't worry about making mistakes, there is no limit to the skill points you can earn.
I've started to get an insane amount of mk 3 and mk gear so im just selling it on the exchange...

Almost at the level cap too, level 14
Is there any time when it's best to get on these days? I tried just now, 09:30 Monday, thinking that the USA would be asleep/ready for Monday at work.... And still can't get in!
Strange but i still can't actually decide if I should pick this up or not, any mmo ive ever played in beta before ive gone on to buy, but this one just doesnt seem to sit right......

It's not the bugs or the lag as they are to be expected, and i have enjoyed a few epic space battles. Cant put my finger on the problem.....
A quick tip for people. Not sure if this has already been mentioned. I had problems last night, probably lag related, where I beamed down to a planet without my away team. Its fixed by typing in:
I hope this game aint blocked on Manchester Uni's Hornet network :( and I hope it's an MMO that I can understand, I might end up subscribing for a couple of months.
I have to admit, the more I play this game the more hooked I get! I'm level 7 just now (Lt grade 7?) so it won’t be long until I can get my cruiser. One thing I was wondering though, will all accounts be erased when the game goes live? I ask because some open beta games allow you to keep your account.
I have to admit, the more I play this game the more hooked I get! I'm level 7 just now (Lt grade 7?) so it won’t be long until I can get my cruiser. One thing I was wondering though, will all accounts be erased when the game goes live? I ask because some open beta games allow you to keep your account.

All characters will be wiped before the headstart.
i only have one quest left :( "city on the edge of never" or something like that. Level 14... I did the last patrol mission and that was REALLY hard, im in a cruiser yet 3 bird of prey ripped right through my shields really easily.
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