Star Trek Online

Has anyone done the Briar Patch mission yet? I started it today (Couldn't finish) each time I destroyed a turret (even when I was well away from the Gas pockets) I still ended up getting popped (Speed maybe the issue?) but my biggest gripe is that there was no respawn point and it takes you nearlly 15-20 mins to get back down to the doughnut shaped roid with the base on.. i've still got a Raptor and the base to beam down to but I keep getting blown up? is it worth doing a bug report to try and get some spawn points lol?
Has anyone done the Briar Patch mission yet? I started it today (Couldn't finish) each time I destroyed a turret (even when I was well away from the Gas pockets) I still ended up getting popped (Speed maybe the issue?) but my biggest gripe is that there was no respawn point and it takes you nearlly 15-20 mins to get back down to the doughnut shaped roid with the base on.. i've still got a Raptor and the base to beam down to but I keep getting blown up? is it worth doing a bug report to try and get some spawn points lol?

15-20 minutes? Just fly to the left/right/above of all the gas and cherry pick the turrets/ships. Very annoying mission though, don't want to do it again when it goes live but will have to Grrrr.
Its not that annoying just make sure that ur 4ft away from any gas pocket and as soon as you get within 9.9 away from ur target stop all engines and fire, trickiest 1 is the base as 1 turret is too far in to do that way, so u destroy the ship and the front 2 then destroy the respawning cloud and rush in before it respawns again..
I can see where people are coming from with the " it feels like a single player game " remarks.
Can someone please explain why this game and what makes this game worthy of a monthly fee ? is it the ongoing patches / tweaks/ content ?
I beamed down to a planet and had my NPC away team with me. I went to another mission and auto grouped with players without knowing then beamed down to a planet and the aware team changed to players. The catch, I was sitting there thinking are these players or NPC's?

Not sure if that's saying the NPC AI is good or the players are acting NPC like but at times it's hard to tell if you are playing with NPC's or players on your side. Hence it feels like single player game. But a good game nevertheless.

"but my biggest gripe is that there was no respawn point and it takes you nearlly 15-20 mins to get back down to the doughnut shaped roid with the base on.."
Did you use the power full impulse engines? I don't mean put full power to engines, I mean the power/skill Full impulse.
I can see where people are coming from with the " it feels like a single player game " remarks.
Can someone please explain why this game and what makes this game worthy of a monthly fee ? is it the ongoing patches / tweaks/ content ?

For me - because I enjoy the game, team most of the time and look forward to future content with additional playable races. Plus we havent had a Star Trel game in ages - and probably wont again.
Is far too single player in feel, cancelled my order and uninstalled last night, hopeully the new Star Wars mmo in 2011 wont be a let down as AOC, WAR and now STO has been.

Just feels as if they have put little effort into anything except space combat.
Well youll find that later on the game more strategy will be required and therefore you wont be spamming the fire all weapons key. I think thats why they included a 6 second timer on the torpedoes rather than something closer to 2 seconds...

I imagine subsystem target will become more of an issue aswell.
As well as setting autofire for two weapons just map "Fire all weapons" to a mouse button or other handy key press.

I always bind them to the space bar. Always seems to do the trick. Haven't played for a few days, and when I did I only got upto level 3. I was really enjoying the star cluster "random" missions and hope they really expand these. Think I am just waiting for the headstart now. Anyone know what time on the 29th it activates? I am assuming 6pm GMT. Hopefully they will announce it and not leave us guessing!
Well I've decided to cancel my pre-order. I'm going to wait to see how the game develops before I commit. Yes there are some good ideas in there and yes it's a great IP but at the moment in the timetable left I can't see a satisfactory implementation before release day:(, I'll just hold fire for a bit and see what path it takes.

On a bright note however it has put me back in the mood for mmos and I've put LoTRO back on and loving it again :D
Ping is 200 ish. :(

Just got a serious freeze then blue screen and it rebooted the comp when redoin the kill orions mission on the ship. :(

Duno if i wana try it again now.
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