Star Trek: Picard

Why was my post moved and why was I accused of doing something illegal?

Time Travel? Time Travel! Can the writers not come up with anything original? I'll still watch of course, but not by any official means.
Time Travel? Time Travel! Can the writers not come up with anything original? I'll still watch of course, but not by any official means.

I always loved the Time Travel type stuff and as we have Q, it is a 'plausible' direction to go.

I didn't watch the montage, but i expect Q grabbed Picard from his moment of death - there'll be fun and games, timey-wimey stuff and Picard won't die due to some inner soul-searching and self-discovery + the Borg!!
Well I had high hopes after episode 1 of seasonn 1 and was utterly let down. But Season2 ep1 wasn't bad it certainly started well so I'll watch on for the moment. Production values were immense as usual, but that seems less an indiciator of shonkiness than it used to.
It's basically what I would have liked for a show called .... Startrek Picard.

Series 1 can be dumped. The little character introduction development you got could be summed up in a sentence for each anyway.

I know it's going to go sideways/downhill but the first episode was fine.
I quite enjoyed the episode.

I am not really sure about the Borg Queen look but I did really enjoy seeing Q back, great character.

something I did find amusing was that the show is pretty progressive, obviously not to the extent of Discovery, but I am surprised that there hasn’t been backlash of Picard using what could be considered a racist trope “Cheers big ears” to a Romulan! :cry:
I hadn't thought of that ... now I'm already sad because I suspect it will come true :o

Are we talking about the Borg Queen being Picards mother? I took that as the Borg having reference to Picards memories, but the setup at the beginning was far too convenient for just that one moment. I assume we'll get some more context about his mother and hopefully it's not as ridiculous as that hot take!
Are we talking about the Borg Queen being Picards mother? I took that as the Borg having reference to Picards memories, but the setup at the beginning was far too convenient for just that one moment. I assume we'll get some more context about his mother and hopefully it's not as ridiculous as that hot take!
Yes, I think it's a bit on-the-nose how they've hidden the Borg queen's face but it definitely feels more likely to happen than not. Showing his mum being dragged away; the use of "look up" before the explosion etc.
Cool, will give it a watch. Season one left a sour taste in my mouth after what was a promising start.
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