I much prefer Season 1 (save the dodgy ending) over this mess of a season and that's like saying I prefer nettle stings over eating dog ****.
They've done nothing to evolve the story created in Season 1, wasted 75% of the season on filler and have written the characters completely opposite to how they should act.
Q - Set up a angle of him losing his powers then used him for all of 3 minutes of screen time. Well played
Picard - A shell of his former self. They've made him out to be a bumbling fool stopping to daydream about his childhood in the middle of a Borg home invasion.
Seven - Her whole relationship with Raffi confuses me. Asking her if she knows how to use a tricorder. Wut.
Raffi - The dumbest person in the Star Trek universe. Why would you trust anything she says or want her on your team?
Rios - Woefully used. A bit of side-story with the doctor but has done nothing to help them get back to the future.
Jurati - Proven to be an untrustworthy killer in S1 but gets no character development in S2 beyond the Borg queen takeover. Crazy facial expressions.
Borg queen - THE most dangerous villain in the ST universe.. It'll be ok if we leave her unattended on our only means home with the weakest crew member... Lul.
Dahj - Felt like they were setting up an evil maniacal android character similar to Lore in S1 which they quickly resolved in 15 mins, never to be seen again.