Star Trek: Picard

Just wonder if we'll see an updated Enterprise E or F at some point in this.

I think the cameo of the E in the vault is as far as what we'll get. The F they likely won't bring up because officially in the TV and Cinema, there is no F. It went NX to 1701 to A to E and then J. F, G, H, I and anything else there might be, is not official to the TV/Movies, and likely CBS and whoever doesn't want to pay royalties or whatnot to bring them in. Not when they can make something themselves and put it out there are the canon version and make any merchandising off that too.
Did jean luc spend more time on the enterprise d or e?

I think e, imagine all the stories!

Enterprise-D - 2364 (start of TNG) to 2371 (destruction of the ship at Veridian III in "Generations")
Enterprise-E - 2372 (a year before the events of "First Contact" to some time past 2379 (when "Nemesis" is set)
Apols in advanced if it's already been mentioned but was just watching a youtube video about easter eggs in this episode and it mentions Star Trek: Short Treks “Children of Mars” was on one of the American streaming services and filled in the details about the Synthetic attack on Mars.

Seems a bit silly this isn't on Prime really, and cant find it easily online without visiting norty websites.

Edit... Old news it would seem. Note to self: read more before posting rubbish that everyone has already seen!
What i get confused with is the romulan coughing up his blood on to the girl and gun, i didnt know they were crossbred with a xenomorph???
What i get confused with is the romulan coughing up his blood on to the girl and gun, i didnt know they were crossbred with a xenomorph???

It was obviously some sort of hidden capsule, much like the good old cyanide capsule in a fake tooth during the cold war, that he chomped down on.
I thought it was a great opening episode. I really can't wait till the next one. No complaints from me. Data was my favourite character, I only hope somehow he can come back.
Will I be missing out if I watch this without watching the vast majority of previous Star Trek stuff? I'm by no means a trekkie; watched the occasional episode when I was younger. But over the last few months, I've been working my way through the entire TNG from the beginning, on Netflix...just because I feel like it's something that's passed me by. Wondering whether its worth waiting until I've finished TNG before watching Picard (even though I'm currently only a couple of episodes into series 3).

Also, I've not watched DS9 or Voyager, apart from the occasional episodes years ago...same for the films. Essential viewing before Picard?
Will I be missing out if I watch this without watching the vast majority of previous Star Trek stuff? I'm by no means a trekkie; watched the occasional episode when I was younger. But over the last few months, I've been working my way through the entire TNG from the beginning, on Netflix...just because I feel like it's something that's passed me by. Wondering whether its worth waiting until I've finished TNG before watching Picard (even though I'm currently only a couple of episodes into series 3).

Also, I've not watched DS9 or Voyager, apart from the occasional episodes years ago...same for the films. Essential viewing before Picard?

Not necessarily, the TNG didn't have much of an overall arc except for the Borg stories. The key thing you would need to see is Star Trek Nemesis and sadly ST Beyond, they have some key information on the background for where this series is starting from. The latter being the new breed of movies that spawned the same style this and ST discovery are filmed in.

If you watched Nemesis then the ship would be different because of the films that proceed it, you would get the full story by the films but maybe not understand the friendship between Picard, data and the crew but that's not necessarily essential.
Personally watching all of TNG first would not be a chore.
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Will I be missing out if I watch this without watching the vast majority of previous Star Trek stuff? I'm by no means a trekkie; watched the occasional episode when I was younger. But over the last few months, I've been working my way through the entire TNG from the beginning, on Netflix...just because I feel like it's something that's passed me by. Wondering whether its worth waiting until I've finished TNG before watching Picard (even though I'm currently only a couple of episodes into series 3).

Also, I've not watched DS9 or Voyager, apart from the occasional episodes years ago...same for the films. Essential viewing before Picard?

it been design so that those who have watch star trek will have deeper understanding in what going on, but at the same time, those who haven't watch star trek before can get into it via the first 2 - 3 episodes.

if you want to watch star trek before watching Picard, then here the bare minimal you need to watch first. I add one movie to the lists as there scene in it does have minor refences in Picard so I mark that movie with a star don't need to watch it but you can if you want to.

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Datalore (S01E13)
The Measure of a Man (S02E09)
The Offspring (S03E16)
The Best of Both World's: parts 1 & 2 (S03E26 & S04E01)
Family (S04E02)
Unification: parts 1 & 2 (S05E07 & S05E08)
I Borg (S05E23)
Descent: parts 1 & 2 (S06E26 & S07E01)
All Good Things: parts 1 & 2 (S07E25 & S07E26)

Star trek: Voyager
Scorpion: parts 1 & 2 (S03E25 & S04E01)
Unimatrix Zero: parts 1 & 2 (S06E26 & S07E01)

Star Trek Movies
Star Trek: First Contact (VIII) *
Star Trek: Nemesis (X)
Star Trek (XI) Refers to the events of destruction of Romulus.
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Im not sure if its where it started from but in star trek armada game, iirc as its been awhile, but that game started the info that the Romulans were experimenting with borg tech from them finding i presume a cube or some such that was damaged and not recovered. Then we see neros ship which looks borg ish i.e black and big and powerful with a menacing look and now we have them stripping a cube in picard ep 1 at the end. I wonder if its cos of the game story that all that has come from.
Will I be missing out if I watch this without watching the vast majority of previous Star Trek stuff? I'm by no means a trekkie; watched the occasional episode when I was younger. But over the last few months, I've been working my way through the entire TNG from the beginning, on Netflix...just because I feel like it's something that's passed me by. Wondering whether its worth waiting until I've finished TNG before watching Picard (even though I'm currently only a couple of episodes into series 3).

Also, I've not watched DS9 or Voyager, apart from the occasional episodes years ago...same for the films. Essential viewing before Picard?

Season 3 is when TNG got decent and since you are already there you might as well just carry on watching it all in order really, including the movies.

You won't need to watch DS9 or Voyager, though Picard did briefly guest star in the pilot episode.
any one else think we may have met the bigbad as Soji, she was aware that she had a sister which make me think she knows she a android. she seem to be working with the Romulans . in a Borg cube. could she be trying to make more synthetics with her knowledge + borg tech + a ready supply of ex borg to practice on

anyone else think Dr soong may be still alive(ish) as we know he knew how to transfer his memory's into a android body (st:tng inheritance) and has the ego to do it

also data and B4 are not the only android Lore is still around (deactivated) and there Data first daughter Lal both which can act as sources for "positrons"
Great opener.

Too much silly totally implausible qaction though hopefully all that will die down in future episodes.
Enterprise-D - 2364 (start of TNG) to 2371 (destruction of the ship at Veridian III in "Generations")
Enterprise-E - 2372 (a year before the events of "First Contact" to some time past 2379 (when "Nemesis" is set)

He left the enterprise e to help the evacuation of Romulus
Im not sure if its where it started from but in star trek armada game, iirc as its been awhile, but that game started the info that the Romulans were experimenting with borg tech from them finding i presume a cube or some such that was damaged and not recovered. Then we see neros ship which looks borg ish i.e black and big and powerful with a menacing look and now we have them stripping a cube in picard ep 1 at the end. I wonder if its cos of the game story that all that has come from.
None of that would be canon, but you sure reminded me of that game. Wish they would release a working version on Steam, that and the 2nd one. I remember really enjoying those games back in the day. These days we never get any good Star Trek games :(

I always wanted a Bridge Commander sequel, but I guess it did not sell enough.
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