She seemed able to sense he recognised her too - bit of empath genes spliced in?
Got my interest piqued! Why do the synths hate the Romulans so much that they'd wipe out a rescue fleet for them and burn Mars. What have those naughty rommies been up to?
What's the connection with the synths and the Borg we know will be in the show?
I wonder if the Romulan star going nova was a natural event, it was them that were messing with that substance from Generations for making stars go nova.
Looking forward to finding out.
Got my interest piqued! Why do the synths hate the Romulans so much that they'd wipe out a rescue fleet for them and burn Mars. What have those naughty rommies been up to?
What's the connection with the synths and the Borg we know will be in the show?
I wonder if the Romulan star going nova was a natural event, it was them that were messing with that substance from Generations for making stars go nova.
Looking forward to finding out.