Star Trek: Picard

She seemed able to sense he recognised her too - bit of empath genes spliced in?

Got my interest piqued! Why do the synths hate the Romulans so much that they'd wipe out a rescue fleet for them and burn Mars. What have those naughty rommies been up to?

What's the connection with the synths and the Borg we know will be in the show?

I wonder if the Romulan star going nova was a natural event, it was them that were messing with that substance from Generations for making stars go nova.

Looking forward to finding out.
I see a lot of the internet didn't seem to like picard.

I thought it was a pretty solid episode, maybe too slow paced for many but thats how most of startrek used to be before the action movies of recent.

people seem to be taking cloned as literally cloned as well that's not what they meant in the show. people too low iq
RedLetterMedia seemed to **** on the first episode.

I respectfully disagree with them, even though they had some valid points
5 seconds in, and I won't even watch any more of that nonsense. I thought it was a great first episode.

I prefer these guys to review stuff. Less opinionated.

Actually, I've watched another 10 seconds of those muppets and flagged youtube to never recommend their channel again.
videos like this and similar ones actually make me wonder.

are they actually being honest and giving their opinion, or saying what they think the internet wants to hear to try and get more views. the one linked above is basically a "roast picard" video where they start becoming utterly ridiculous and imo embarrassing with the stupid ideas they start to come up with like they are 13 year olds
I'm looking forward to see what The Critical Drinker thinks...he has the ability to critique TV and movies sensibly and logically without resorting to being deliberately divisive.

I really enjoyed the first episode, some niggly issues but overall really good and frankly, I don't think i'll be able to sit through another episode of Discovery after seeing how right they got it with this.
Not necessarily, the TNG didn't have much of an overall arc except for the Borg stories. The key thing you would need to see is Star Trek Nemesis and sadly ST Beyond, they have some key information on the background for where this series is starting from. The latter being the new breed of movies that spawned the same style this and ST discovery are filmed in.

If you watched Nemesis then the ship would be different because of the films that proceed it, you would get the full story by the films but maybe not understand the friendship between Picard, data and the crew but that's not necessarily essential.
Personally watching all of TNG first would not be a chore.

it been design so that those who have watch star trek will have deeper understanding in what going on, but at the same time, those who haven't watch star trek before can get into it via the first 2 - 3 episodes.

if you want to watch star trek before watching Picard, then here the bare minimal you need to watch first. I add one movie to the lists as there scene in it does have minor refences in Picard so I mark that movie with a star don't need to watch it but you can if you want to.

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Datalore (S01E13)
The Measure of a Man (S02E09)
The Offspring (S03E16)
The Best of Both World's: parts 1 & 2 (S03E26 & S04E01)
Family (S04E02)
Unification: parts 1 & 2 (S05E07 & S05E08)
I Borg (S05E23)
Descent: parts 1 & 2 (S06E26 & S07E01)
All Good Things: parts 1 & 2 (S07E25 & S07E26)

Star trek: Voyager
Scorpion: parts 1 & 2 (S03E25 & S04E01)
Unimatrix Zero: parts 1 & 2 (S06E26 & S07E01)

Star Trek Movies
Star Trek: First Contact (VIII) *
Star Trek: Nemesis (X)
Star Trek (XI) Refers to the events of destruction of Romulus.

Season 3 is when TNG got decent and since you are already there you might as well just carry on watching it all in order really, including the movies.

You won't need to watch DS9 or Voyager, though Picard did briefly guest star in the pilot episode.

Cheers gents, but as it happens, yesterday evening while we were looking for something new to watch, the girlfriend noticed Picard and suggested we watch it, so I've started on it anyway now. I have seen (and enjoyed) the newer movies, and have enough of a general understanding of the ST universe that it made sense. I will keep working through TNG in the meantime though :)

Really enjoyed it on the whole. Perhaps not being a die hard trekkie is an advantage, as I'm not too invested in the intricacies of the lore to get annoyed by inaccuracies. Looking forward to the next instalment.
I thought it was a pretty solid episode, maybe too slow paced for many but thats how most of startrek used to be before the action movies of recent.

I'd agree with you on this, It wasn't perfect but most importantly for me, Picard got the feel of Star Trek. Neither the recent movies or even Discovery felt like Star Trek.
Dont really care about other peoples reviews. I enjoyed it. Nothing else matters. :)
True, only down side to that is if no one else enjoys, it will get canceled sooner or later.

I enjoyed the episode, but not as much as most people here. To me it fell in the good, but not great category, whereas everyone here (except for Panos :p) found it to be great judging by the comments. I mean when you consider the rubbish we have been getting the last few decades then yeah, this does seem like great in comparison. From what I have seen so far I am concerned though that once all the fan service is out of the way, it will run out of gas and just be another STD. I hope I am wrong. With all that said, I am looking forward to the next episode.
I've watched the episode three times, absolutely loved it. The slower pace is great for me.

I'm bored with all the high octane tripe we've been fed over the last few years.
True, only down side to that is if no one else enjoys, it will get canceled sooner or later.

I enjoyed the episode, but not as much as most people here. To me it fell in the good, but not great category, whereas everyone here (except for Panos :p) found it to be great judging by the comments. I mean when you consider the rubbish we have been getting the last few decades then yeah, this does seem like great in comparison. From what I have seen so far I am concerned though that once all the fan service is out of the way, it will run out of gas and just be another STD. I hope I am wrong. With all that said, I am looking forward to the next episode.

Ah yeah on the cancelled bit.

I did not think it was "great" though, just good and good enough to want me to want to watch more. :)
Watched the first ep last night. A few wobbly bits of dialogue aside, I thought it was excellent. You could ask a non-strek fan to watch it as a stand alone series.
It was ok, it'll most certainly ramp up, all trek does including Enterprise.v

I don't see anyone else saying it, but Stewart is far too old now. Having watched all next gen many times over, I couldn't break away from the man that was to how he appears today. Ten years ago trek needed a Picard to bring it back, I've no idea why they've made this today after the success they've had with Discovery.
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