Star Trek: Picard

I'm really enjoying S3 (I ignored S1-2 completely) but I'm struggling with Gates' face. It's so artificially smooth that it gives me the "uncanny valley" feeling. I hear her speak and it's the same voice from TNG but with a weird simulacrum of a human visage. It kind of ruins the immersion every time.
Boom boom soong.

Season 3 is fine, its just that, fine. Its like an above average extra long motion picture with dashes of next genesque type banter to keep you hopeful but very little relief.
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I'm really enjoying S3 (I ignored S1-2 completely) but I'm struggling with Gates' face. It's so artificially smooth that it gives me the "uncanny valley" feeling. I hear her speak and it's the same voice from TNG but with a weird simulacrum of a human visage. It kind of ruins the immersion every time.
Yeah she absolutely ****** it, doesn't look human.

The people who commented earlier in the thread that she looks hot are baffling.
This week's episode seemed to be a lot better than last. It was nice to see the whole TNG crew back together after all these years. I'm looking forward to the next couple of episodes but also feel it's a shame it's ending.
One of my few complaints this season - the last two episodes had enough plot in common (and enough filler otherwise) that they might as well have been amalgamated into one episode, if the ending to this series gets rushed I'm gonna point back to that when I gripe about it.

Overall though, loving it. It's fanservice-y in all the best possible ways.
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I’m loving this. Not taking it too seriously but it’s giving the warm glow of seeing old friends get back together, with other light moments too. Really good fun.

I think they could have given a bit more info about Jack though - it’s a little tedious to not have ‘the reveal’ yet of what the voices are. No need to overdo ‘the suspense’.
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Why did we have to go through the rubbish that was season 1 and 2 just to get to this...

Just imagine where we could have been if this was season 1 and we got the same sort of jump that we've had between 1/2 and 3...
Exactly what I was thinking watching this episode. The third, and final, series is the one I thought the first would be. I know series 1 and 2 kind of linked together but series 2 and 3 seemingly have nothing in common that I can see. So why did we have to have the absolute rubbish of the first two series to be endured before we got this series?!
How many episodes is this going to be? Just wondering how close to the end we are because I'm enjoying it and don't want it to finish.

The Vadic death was all a bit easy though for my liking. I hope that the ultimate baddie is more of a challenge.

And I do dislike the Jack character unfortunately, bit of a miscast I think, just doesn't fit with the way the humans are in star trek.
Going to wait and watch the last two episodes back to back. Which means I will back out of this thread until then :D

Tempted to do the same with the final episodes.

In Picard-related news I tried rewatching Nemesis the other day, since so much of STP relates back to it. I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remember.

Myth not, in fact, busted. It barely works on any level. There's the occasional scene that's alright, but in the main it's just an abject waste of a brilliant cast. Badly written, badly shot and directed, it's just plain bad. I stand firmly behind my opinion that Final Frontier has more going for it, and better excuses for the shortcomings.

The only thing that saves Nemesis from being the worst Trek movie is the complete wretchedness of Into Darkness.
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Tempted to do the same with the final episodes.

In Picard-related news I tried rewatching Nemesis the other day, since so much of STP relates back to it. I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remember.

Myth not, in fact, busted. It barely works on any level. There's the occasional scene that's alright, but in the main it's just an abject waste of a brilliant cast. Badly written, badly shot and directed, it's just plain bad. I stand firmly behind my opinion that Final Frontier has more going for it, and better excuses for the shortcomings.

The only thing that saves Nemesis from being the worst Trek movie is the complete wretchedness of Into Darkness.

I didn't mind Nemesis, it 'felt' like a movie as oppose to Insurrection which felt like an extended episode.

As for Into Darkness, loved it and the first one - Beyond is the one i will never re-watch.
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