Star Trek: Picard

I agree Nemesis is trash, so is Insurrection. Having said that, it had to follow First Contact which is one of the best ST films made - the book is even better than the movie, btw.
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I actually really like Insurrection, but I do agree I don't see it as a movie, it was just a decent two part episode with a silly budget.
I actually really like Insurrection, but I do agree I don't see it as a movie, it was just a decent two part episode with a silly budget.

Could say the same for Generations, that really felt like a tng episode with the stakes being some random planet, for it to be Kirks grand finale it really fell flat.
Could say the same for Generations, that really felt like a tng episode with the stakes being some random planet, for it to be Kirks grand finale it really fell flat.

The biggest issue I have with Generations is how cheap-looking a lot of it was. A mix of old and new style uniforms, folks wearing uniforms meant for different actors (!), VFX reuse (the Klingon Bird of Prey going boom was a repurposed shot from Undiscovered Country), the bridge set being dimly-lit to hide its TV origins...
The biggest issue I have with Generations is how cheap-looking a lot of it was. A mix of old and new style uniforms…..
The uniforms was weird. There’s no “in universe” reason why they wouldn’t replicate a bunch of new uniforms when told to by Starfleet.

Can’t remember if it was Generations but Riker rolling up his jacket sleeves but leaving his undershirt unrolled was also odd. I’m sure it probably contravenes regulations too :D
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Can’t remember if it was Generations but Riker rolling up his jacket sleeves but leaving his undershirt unrolled was also odd. I’m sure it probably contravenes regulations too :D

It's because he was wearing Avery Brooks' Sisko uniform from DS9, and it didn't quite fit.

They'd originally designed new uniforms for the film but they didn't work out, hence the mix of TNG and DS9 styles that they ended up having to use.
i really like generations :D

i like the mismatched uniforms, its like real service uniforms where old ones are still in use and new ones are appearing during the transition

i love the lighting on the enterprise, especially during the amargosa parts, I know its to hide the low detail tv sets, but it makes cool lighting from the amargosa star shining in the windows :D
my favourite parts specifically are where the lighting changes when the star gets trilithiumed and also where picard shades his face to watch the 2nd trilithium weapon getting launched on veridian III

my only dislikes of it are the bit where they are in the nexus and i guess the fighting with kirk and picard and soran is a bit meh

i like insurrection too, its like a high budget TNG two-parter, only the joystick that particularly annoys me :D

Nemesis is terrible - nothing to like at all
Can I start this at season 3 or are the first 2 seasons essential viewing?

S2 is pretty much worthless, the occasional watchable scene notwithstanding. S1...if you judge it in the context that it's basically about Picard getting to say a proper goodbye to the original Data then it - almost - works. There's a couple of standout episodes, some hot trash and the rest is just filler. Oh, and the occasional very good Patrick Stewart Speech™.

Just to be clear, The Final Frontier was the best Trek film...

Could have been better than it was had they been given the budget to do it right.

There are some great moments in it. Kirk's "I need my pain!" speech. The campfire conversation between the Power Trio, and the callback to it later on. De Kelley's acting as McCoy relives the death of his father.

It's not even as if Shatner did a particularly bad job directing and shooting it, in the main. The script needed either three more rewrites or six fewer, certainly. But most of where it falls down is in the VFX department with shots that range from 'a bit shonky' to 'too laughable to watch'.

Anyone remember TNG episode "Conspiracy"? - The penultimate episode of series 1. Probably the best star trek episode ever done

Yes. It's a pity that it never got a follow-up, with the homing signal that the parasites sent at the end.
i like insurrection too, its like a high budget TNG two-parter, only the joystick that particularly annoys me :D

Nemesis is terrible - nothing to like at all

I also have a soft spot for Insurrection. Its the only one where Picard gets a chance to get his end away. With someone old enough to be his great great great.....great grandmother, but still... any port in a storm etc. :D
Can I start this at season 3 or are the first 2 seasons essential viewing?
There is nothing set up in series 1 or 2 that is important to know about in series 3. One or two characters are carried over and that's it. The problem you will have is you will eventually be bereft of anything else ST to watch so you will eventually watch series 1 & 2 some day and will be expecting the same as series 3. If you are a diehard fan and need to see everything, then get series 1&2 out of your system. This series is basically entirely feel good nostalgia with a great story.

As others have pointed out, it is really REALLY poor that we are only getting this level of quality in the final series, to me it is tragic and I am only too aware that this is it for these people that we've know for decades.

They could have spun all the feel good stuff over the 3 series and gotten whoever wrote this final series to do a 3 series over-arching story. Just think of the anticipation that we would have have for series 2 if series 1 was this quality.
There are some great moments in it. Kirk's "I need my pain!" speech. The campfire conversation between the Power Trio, and the callback to it later on. De Kelley's acting as McCoy relives the death of his father.

It's not even as if Shatner did a particularly bad job directing and shooting it, in the main. The script needed either three more rewrites or six fewer, certainly. But most of where it falls down is in the VFX department with shots that range from 'a bit shonky' to 'too laughable to watch'.

One scene that really stood out to me as weird was when Kirk gets beamed onto the bird of prey and Spock is shown to be the gunner, they have some little moment like Kirks not seen Spock in years, when it was just a few moments earlier. Yeah Spock saved him but the scene just came off as strange to me.
I still think this season is as awful as the rest. Geriatric stuttering old man Picard is hard to stomach, the sets are dsytopian dark and evil which is like the opposite of what ST is meant to be about. (mind you this was a downfall of the TNG movies after Generations)

The story is just all over the place, where the main characters just seem to be impervious to fear and death unlike anyone else who happens to fall in their wake.

It's rubbish.
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