**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Going by the alpha/beta, I think it is safe to say that EA/DICE really don't have a clue what they are doing, well actually they do.... make a game that appeals to both the COD and star wars crowd and makes lots of money :p
Going by the alpha/beta, I think it is safe to say that EA/DICE really don't have a clue what they are doing, well actually they do.... make a game that appeals to both the COD and star wars crowd and makes lots of money :p

Oh cmon you know if it had service stars, mortars and unlocking endless reskins of weapons you'd love it ;)

I'm not trying to defend it btw, just hoping that they actually pull something decent out of the bag at the last minute, as gaming needs a change from camperfield 3/4/5/6/7/hardass.

Plus I like star wars.
Oh cmon you know if it had service stars, mortars and unlocking endless reskins of weapons you'd love it ;)

I'm not trying to defend it btw, just hoping that they actually pull something decent out of the bag at the last minute, as gaming needs a change from camperfield 3/4/5/6/7/hardass.

Plus I like star wars.

Couldn't care less about all that :p In fact, I hate all the weapons, gadgets etc. in bf 4 & 3. I much prefer the more simple unlocks with limited weapons like bc 2 and hardline.

When I think of battlefront/rebels vs imperials and star wars, I expect a big war on a big open map like what we saw in attack of the clones near the end of the film and BF 3/4 provide that "experience" far better than this game, granted without the star wars skin....

My gripe with SWBF is the lack of skill ceiling, I don't expect them to make it the next CSGO, but they could add some recoil, spread to the weapons and give better accuracy for when you ADS + remove 3rd person view or 1st person view. With the lack of a skill ceiling, there is going to be no longevity to the game and it will be dead after a few months just like every other similar game (unless they can somehow make it up in other ways).

Other things that ruin the game for me is the balance (biggest issue here is the heroes/jedis, no way to make them "balanced" without making them useless so they should just be left to different game modes), the vehicle/hero pickup system, the special ability cards (especially things like the bubble shield and sniper rifle [well they need a much longer reload time anyway])

Overall I just don't like the COD/titanfall gameplay style and the star wars skin can't change my mind on that :(

I can't see them adding any skill ceiling to the game or fixing/improving the balance so my last hope is for the rest of the maps to be superbly designed and for the other game modes to be a lot more fun....
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all good points tbh, although I'm not sure adding ADS would be a plus point, as I've said before this is in keeping with the SW theme as when was the last time you saw a stoormtrooper aiming?

I think the skill ceiling should have been done a'la RO2 as I've said before, stop giving people bonuses based on kills and give them 1pt per kill, but 100 for an objective capture, or say 25 for activating those relay stations and you would have seena hell of a lot more teamplay and objective play in the alpha/beta. Unfortunately the BF and COD crowd need to see the K/D to prove how 1337 they are so this will never disappear.

Bigger maps would have been lovely. Also how does a laser gun have recoil?

Vehicles in this were my major bugbear, I want to jump into something. In SWBF2 in order to fly a tie you had to spawn as a tie pilot, you only got the rubbish pistol but could jump in the fighters, whereas normal ground troops couldnt, that worked.
Thought I'd be more bothered by lack of ADS but with the style of the game it wasn't really a big issue. There is increased spread if you go full auto but it takes awhile to kick in and isn't reflected very well visually by your shots - it would be better if the weapon stability/spread was affected more by automatic fire.
I think the skill ceiling should have been done a'la RO2 as I've said before, stop giving people bonuses based on kills and give them 1pt per kill, but 100 for an objective capture, or say 25 for activating those relay stations and you would have seena hell of a lot more teamplay and objective play in the alpha/beta. Unfortunately the BF and COD crowd need to see the K/D to prove how 1337 they are so this will never disappear.

Although not the same game series and not as popular but I thought PvZ Garden Warfare got this spot on, they had kills and points on the scoreboard but no deaths. Made for a much more objective based game than everyone just trying to see who got the best K/D, End score board you can see only your deaths if I remember correctly.

But I agree, in Battlefield games objectives should net you a whole lot more points than killing
I fully agree, that is something that I have been asking for since bf 3. K/d is a fundamental part of how conquest/rush works in bf, however, there is no need to show it in the scoreboards + objective play should be rewarded a lot more (addressed a bit better in bf 4 but could still be better).

You can thank the COD crowd for the k/d part though, BF started out largely as a team orientated game.

I actually really enjoyed PVZ but again, the lack of skill ceiling with little content meant it died a quick death too :(

all good points tbh, although I'm not sure adding ADS would be a plus point, as I've said before this is in keeping with the SW theme as when was the last time you saw a stoormtrooper aiming?

I think the skill ceiling should have been done a'la RO2 as I've said before, stop giving people bonuses based on kills and give them 1pt per kill, but 100 for an objective capture, or say 25 for activating those relay stations and you would have seena hell of a lot more teamplay and objective play in the alpha/beta. Unfortunately the BF and COD crowd need to see the K/D to prove how 1337 they are so this will never disappear.

Bigger maps would have been lovely. Also how does a laser gun have recoil?

Vehicles in this were my major bugbear, I want to jump into something. In SWBF2 in order to fly a tie you had to spawn as a tie pilot, you only got the rubbish pistol but could jump in the fighters, whereas normal ground troops couldnt, that worked.

Does it really matter that though..... who cares if you never saw a storm trooper etc. ADS :p Did we ever see Luke/Darth "run/fade/die" away from a battle on hoth? Did we ever actually see Luke go full jedi on Hoth when the imperials/Darth were attacking? Did we ever see rebels use those personal bubble shields?

It is a game with a star wars theme done extremely well already they don't need to copy every single detail.

Well given that no one has ever used a "laser" gun, how do we know that there isn't some kind of recoil? :p Again, it is a multiplayer shooter game, it doesn't need to be true to life/star wars, if it was then a laser gun should kill someone with 1 shot to the chest.

Are you sure about that, I swear that you could jump in the aircraft even as a storm trooper??? IIRC, the only thing was that your vehicle wouldn't auto-regen, you needed to be the pilot for that.
The Ultimate edition is not worth the money, seriously you get 3 item's that you can unlock within the first few rounds and two emotes that are of no ****** use !!

cdkeys with 5% discount is £28 if you don't fancy going to Mexico or some other destination ;)
The Ultimate edition is not worth the money, seriously you get 3 item's that you can unlock within the first few rounds and two emotes that are of no ****** use !!

cdkeys with 5% discount is £28 if you don't fancy going to Mexico or some other destination ;)

Don't you get the Season Pass with it though which will unlock every DLC?

lol EA want over £100 for that yeah right... robbing gits.
I did enjoy it, apart from the obviously flaws - such as the massive imbalance in the beginning (though it had started to level out a bit more towards the end)

but I just know (or rather get the feeling) that it will die a death. as I stated before it wont appeal to either the COD of BF masses - as someone has already pointed out it's kind of got one foot in each camp.

it wont hold their mindless gaze for long - particularly the COD squad - no calling in airstrikes or gunships just because you managed to kill a couple of folk without dying.

the BF lot wont enjoy it because they can't snipe/stick c4 on to vehicles/rpg spam etc etc.

and before anyone has a pop at me for generalising the COD and BF community I played plenty of both - and enjoyed them - until they just became spam fests and k:d r e-peen stroking piles of trout puke!

I see this as a good thing, less of those players on the game then.
Ah, my brain hadn't kicked in !! I was thinking about the deluxe not Ultimate do'h !!! £43 for game + season pass is worth it for sure.
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