**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Played for about an hour. The game is ok, nothing special. Looks nice but unless my eyes are failing me it seems blurrier than the beta. I've turned off AA to see if that helps and it didn't.

Longevity issues as people have mentioned in the past may creep up.

That said the Star Wars name will generate the sales it needs and it feels authentic but it's no classic.
Pre-ordered from origin, used vyprvpn to unlock it - exit vypr when the game loads and multiplayer works perfectly.

Graphics look incredible on a 980ti, endor is just jaw-dropping. The audio is outstanding also, really adds to the atmosphere.

It'll probably get boring after a while but with a few mates it's a great experience.
First impressions last night were, it's a bit pants.
Doesn't feel much structure to it, the game modes are weak. The controls for the fighters on controller are shocking (I play with M+K for on foot, before anyone says use that). Why you can't edit these to BF3 style I have no clue.

Game modes lack anything of real interest. Why can't we jump into hero vs hero team dm where you can choose which hero you want to play as, like prior Battlefront games.

I am not sure how long I will stick at this going forward. I left last night feeling a bit let down. DICE to me are getting worse and worse. Yes the game looks great, but it seems like its missing so many things. No secondary weapons for example. I mean what the hell....

For me personally, this needs more work, remove and add some new game modes with depth and longevity to aviod a la Hardline and it dying of death. I am a Star Wars fan, not hardcore but still a fan. But I am not sure the name can save this game if it continues like this.
A dice game with little depth and ultra casual focused, anyone expect anything else?

10 years ago DICE was the Kings of fps games with BF2 as it was a ton of fun.
Then EA and BC2 started and then BF3 and BF4 went so much downhill its tragic.
I just wish they stop making games now as they just are a no dice crap game now.
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