Didn't put much time into 2142 but was it like SWBF wallhack?
But yes all other battlefield games have had "gadgets" that highlight enemy players for you i.e. TUGS, MAVS, motion balls, however, only on the mini map, not like this....
Even the 3d spotting isn't anywhere as bad as that although the 3d spotting in bc 2 ruined the game for me so much that I had to play hardcore mode....
Too many times in bf 4/3, I and others from here have been accused of cheating etc. as you get people posting in chat something like "yeah nice wallhack" or "how the
**** did you know I was there" etc. etc. and this just shows that some players can't be bothered to learn even the basics, it doesn't take 1 second to glance at your mini map (heck you could even make it bigger so it will always be at the corner of your eye) but most players just want to have their hand held when playing games these days, that's why features like this and the auto lock on pistol in titan fall are added, I imagine it is more the console players who want this than PC players though....
There is no doubt the game has been made to cater for all types of people i.e. don't worry, if you can't:
- fly AND aim the aircraft weapons at the same time, we have built in an auto aim/lock on for you
- see people, use the built in wall hack, which highlights all players for you
- aim, we have aim assist
- get kills with normal guns/infantry, we have added heroes for you who have auto lock on rockets, lightsabers and take more damage
I get why they have made the game the way it is but with the "star wars" name, epic trailers, and super graphics + sound, I'm sure that they could have got just as many sales with a reskinned BF 4.
Being a big BF fan, I wasn't wanting a reskin of BF. The quick changes I suggested previously would keep it feeling very similar to how it currently is but improve the game flow/play considerably imo. The one thing I love about this game is the lack of prone, I hate that in BF 3 & 4 and it certainly would be out of place in SWBF, at least with the way the game has been designed anyway.
Here's hoping DICE LA can work some magic and fix/improve it rroff.....