**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Texture quality is different - PC is sharper on all surfaces though the PS4 isn't a million miles off whereas the xbox one even fairly close textures are slightly duller and the distance ones a noticeable drop off in quality compared to the other 2. Though I don't really notice it in actual gameplay the AA in motion (doesn't show on static images) on the xbox is pretty shocking as well.
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Texture quality is different - PC is sharper on all surfaces though the PS4 isn't a million miles off whereas the xbox one even fairly close textures are slightly duller and the distance ones a noticeable drop off in quality compared to the other 2. Though I don't really notice it in actual gameplay the AA in motion (doesn't show on static images) on the xbox is pretty shocking as well.

Thats just because of the native res of the PC version.
Arent consoles using like dynamic resolution or 720p? Think PS4 sues 900p.
I give up... last night 2:1 KDR easy, now trailing at scores like 3-11 playing my best... people killing me before they appear, etc. etc. getting the most kill assists most rounds as I'm emptying my gun into people before anyone else reacts over and over (because I'm actually reasonably good) unable to kill them... really don't understand how the netcode can be this ****** up.

Thats just because of the native res of the PC version.
Arent consoles using like dynamic resolution or 720p? Think PS4 sues 900p.

It still looks bad regardless of the reason though heh.
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Having great fun on droid run. One of the best game modes I've tried so far. Game is getting better each day. Just unlocked the jump pack :D
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my mate come home hammered last night and bought it for my PC as he wanted to see the nice gfxs lol..

so ill be playing it later.. dont judge me!

Oh look, my ban is up.

Behave yourself, you bought it yourself cause u wanted to play a 3 finger shooter :-P everyone giving in, next it'll be nexus and josh to buy it
I’m disappointed it has Auto aim etc and finds your targets. To me its like playing a film as all you have to do is watch with minimum input. I just wish some of the developers would get out of this catering for six year olds and do a proper hard-core shooter that requires skill and time to learn. No tactics as your pushed along a kill zone. I killed thirty folk it must be a good game! Yes fun but I'd swap it six skilled kills every time.

Kids will be disappointed for a few days if it was difficult and then got on with learning it and getting better and actually understanding that they are improving and its rewarding. My Mum could play this well and to me willl get very wash and repeat very quickly.

Last game I played was more or less BF2 with the project reality mod. (They are actually doing a stand alone called Squad on steam) For the first week I hated it, shouted at it, thought what’s the point its not fun. I could not kill like Rambo, survive acting like Rambo, fly helicopters. Three weeks in and I’m playing entirely differently to Vanilla BF. I’m killing with skill, thinking tactically help squad and team mates. I’m appreciating how deadly guns are as gone are the days of empting a clip and watching the player turn round like good old BF2. I’m taking off well in helicopter and providing passage safely and actually get good at it and its appreciated by others. In all it’s the best experience I’ve had in a shooter because it was hard and rewarding.

That being said ive not played this just watched a good few hours on Twitch. :o ( Yeah stuck watching and like who is sad enough to be on twitch thesedays if you can play)
Texture quality is different - PC is sharper on all surfaces though the PS4 isn't a million miles off whereas the xbox one even fairly close textures are slightly duller and the distance ones a noticeable drop off in quality compared to the other 2. Though I don't really notice it in actual gameplay the AA in motion (doesn't show on static images) on the xbox is pretty shocking as well.

The xbox one looks really bad in most scenes. More so the sunny parts. So much blur and softer textures. The PC is a lot sharper and draw distance obviously but it looks like the PS4 isn't far behind in quality unlike the xbox one.
Oh look, my ban is up.

Behave yourself, you bought it yourself cause u wanted to play a 3 finger shooter :-P everyone giving in, next it'll be nexus and josh to buy it

hahah well its been on my PC since this morning and i haven't touched it yet.. mate is coming over later to play it so im gonna sit and watch the footy and laugh at him for a few hours then ill give it ago!
Then my opinion doesn't change, it is a mindless shooter. ;)

What is this about Westie buying the game also. I bet he changed his Corsair Keyboard profile also, I bet he denies everything :p

lol wtf u got a webcam in my room?

i was just on the RGBShare website and saw the star wars profile.. defo gonna download it now!
lol wtf u got a webcam in my room?

i was just on the RGBShare website and saw the star wars profile.. defo gonna download it now!

He does, he sent us a photo of you on discord too:


Also, after last night and Hazard saying that he had to "strip" to play star wars and us joking about him sitting there playing in his y-fronts..... he sent me a disturbing selfie :(

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