**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

The fighter squadron mode seems a decent way to get a few early levels, I went into that straight away to see what it was like and ended up playing about 5 rounds, I came in the top 2 on every round and went up about 6 levels in one sitting.

As for the mode itself, it's very basic and doesn't feel like your doing much of the work, simply lock on and keep firing, the main skill is knowing when to use your abilities and evading people on your tail.

I must admit though, when people work together and really try for the objectives it can be quite fun, on one of the rounds the teams were very even and we were around 30 points behind. I managed to get the hero pick up to fly Slave-1 and suddenly had half the team rallying around me, we cut through the enemy team attacking our transport and picked them off in dogfights, I killed somebody who was just about to finish off one of my team-mates and the game ended in victory for us , 200-199 :D
Game could seriously use Conquest and vehicles spawning rather than being powerups and they gotta remove autoaim from the ships. Also change the flying controls to be more like flying spaceships rather than biplanes with constant autocorrection.

Problem is, before this came out loads of people were moaning that its just battlefield with a starwars skin, and now its out and does things a bit differently, it turns out thats exactly what people would want!

Im not sure myself as i only played the beta
lol :D

So symthic have put the weapon stats up which is useful considering DICE's in game stats for weapons tend to be complete fantasy..


Anyone on for an afternoon session today?

hell yeah, spent from 7pm till 4am playing it last night, just about to hit another 8 hour session :). I'm having a ton of senseless fun and at level 16 now. The "Scout" talent is proper nice, I love being off the radar.
Wonder how the hit regs can vary so wildly when your in the same server :confused:
Hope we get a server browser and the ability to see ping.

That is what does my head in - if I didn't have as much network and gaming experience as I do I'd think it was my internet connection playing up but I can have i.e. a quake live game open in one PC and BF4/SWBF on the other and QL will still be fine (and it is much more connection sensitive than Dice games).

EDIT: though I can't rule out something happening in the last few hops (i.e. on the server provider's end or the peering between them and the next entity between them and myself) to the server itself but seems unlikely.

lol :D

So symthic have put the weapon stats up which is useful considering DICE's in game stats for weapons tend to be complete fantasy..


Anyone on for an afternoon session today?

Thanks always useful to compare actual numbers.
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Had a few hours on the fighter squadron mode and loved it, simple mindless fun. They need to balance the sides, Rebel ships have shields Empire have turbo boost, I'm no spaceship fighter pilot but I know which one I'd rather have in the heat of a battle ;) :D
Also heroes are overpowered in this mode :(
so loving this game, didnt think i'd like it nearly as much as this with the disgusting homing shot, wall hack, no recoil etc etc....but it's so much fun. Non stop action, some really good fast paced maps like Drop Zone and Droid Run are a suprise. The SP missions are quite good fun, how on earth they can be done on Master difficulty is beyond me.

Game is easy 8.5/10 for me personally, just can't believe the visuals and how smooth it plays.
Homing shot is a bit lol but I rarely run into it - won't lie though I've been abusing the team wall hack feature a bit - don't think there is one but they should really add a counter to that - but then Dice stockholm can't even make ingame chat (one of the most basic features of a multiplayer game) work properly so expecting actual proper thought out gameplay mechanics is a bit much.
so loving this game, didnt think i'd like it nearly as much as this with the disgusting homing shot, wall hack, no recoil etc etc....but it's so much fun. Non stop action, some really good fast paced maps like Drop Zone and Droid Run are a suprise. The SP missions are quite good fun, how on earth they can be done on Master difficulty is beyond me.

Game is easy 8.5/10 for me personally, just can't believe the visuals and how smooth it plays.

I think Drop Zone and Droid Run are the game's best modes.
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What are people using as far as AA is concerned? I don't normally run AA at all, but I noticed how good a job TAA (I think) does at getting rid of all the shimmering edges. However, I can not stand the blurring effect, the other AA options don't really seem to do much other than reduce performance :/
What are people using as far as AA is concerned? I don't normally run AA at all, but I noticed how good a job TAA (I think) does at getting rid of all the shimmering edges. However, I can not stand the blurring effect, the other AA options don't really seem to do much other than reduce performance :/

Downsample or try forcing MSAA.
It was fun though ;)

I found I was getting destroyed to start off with, but started to get the swing of things eventually. The jet pack is a life saver in this game, there are sop many corridors (inside and out) you spawn in and find you are under fire with nowhere to go, and the jet pack is invaluable for escaping.
Farming the power ups and turrets seems to be the way to big score.
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You can be in any server location up to 350 ping in SWBF. So from the UK that's everything but AUS.

console > NetworkPerfOverlay.Enable TRUE = ping n stuff

Problem is you can't see other people's ping - no matter how much Dice try and obfuscate it if you are chucked in a game with a couple of 300+ms latency players regardless of your own latency its going to be a crappy experience.
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