**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

There is so much they can do to improve upon the first one i.e. actually make it more like a large scale BF game than a casual run in gun COD clone. I would be more than happy for a reskin of bf 4!

Given how successful BF 1 has been though, I think even more so than battlefront? I will not be surprised in the slightest if we just see a reskin of bf 1 with a few more casual mechanics thrown in.

My sentiments exactly. Why change the battlefield formula when it been so successful. If it stuck the class specified roles on a larger scale it could have been awesome. Unfortunately lazy development and sticking to original theme with heros didn't help. Couple this with near empty content ensured it to be a flop. EA don't give a crap :(
I love battlefront just the way it is. I understand the hardcore battlefield fans were disappointed but star wars was never going to be a hardcore game and bf1 appears to be a compromise.
People do love to hate on this game. I think the content issue has been much improved from release but the people hating on it only base their thoughts upon release and bf4!

It's a great game unless your expecting something it's not.
My sentiments exactly. Why change the battlefield formula when it been so successful. If it stuck the class specified roles on a larger scale it could have been awesome. Unfortunately lazy development and sticking to original theme with heros didn't help. Couple this with near empty content ensured it to be a flop. EA don't give a crap :(

Can thank EA for that, CEO came out and said that whilst the hardcore fans of BF franchise were disappointed with the lack of depth, he said that they wanted to make a game, which was accessible to people of all ages :( I suspect Disney also had a big say in it too...

And yeah the heroes were utterly retarded at release, completely broke the game, they have been nerfed somewhat but if played right (i.e. sitting back with the soldiers/gunners), still super easy to go on a easy 30+ kill streak.

It may not be the game a lot of people hoped it to be but I don't think it can be called a flop can it? I mean there are a lot of people playing the game.

Considering what the player numbers are now especially when compared to BF 4 (3+ years old now?) and hardline etc., it is a big flop, game is only just about 1 year old now. I guarantee if it was a reskin of bf 4, players numbers for PC would be at least 30k instead 1/2k

Whilst it makes sense to compare to BF games, given that it is by DICE, even comparing it to the previous battlefront game, it was lacking content big time. What makes it even more annoying is that during the hype before release, everyone was wanting to know if there be space battles because you know star wars... it HAS to have this! And the answer was no, people then asked will it be DLC content and they said no, they wouldn't do that... fast forward to death star dlc and what a surprise, the idea/content was withheld because DLC...

I enjoy the game for what it is, what killed it for me and most of the others I played with was the bad balance at the start, grenade spam, massively OP heroes, DL 44 pistol users etc. Unfortunately as usual with DICE, they took about 6 months to fix/balance the main issues.
Can thank EA for that, CEO came out and said that whilst the hardcore fans of BF franchise were disappointed with the lack of depth, he said that they wanted to make a game, which was accessible to people of all ages :( I suspect Disney also had a big say in it too...

95% Disney, they will be very strict about what they will and will not allow and how they want their franchise presented.
In addition the project timescales and scopes are set by the film releases and contents, so game features will be dropped to get the game out in time for the films.

Gameplay wise, remember Starwars is a 12+, therefore the game has to be accessible to people who are 12.
95% Disney, they will be very strict about what they will and will not allow and how they want their franchise presented.
In addition the project timescales and scopes are set by the film releases and contents, so game features will be dropped to get the game out in time for the films.

Gameplay wise, remember Starwars is a 12+, therefore the game has to be accessible to people who are 12.

Yup I imagine it was largely Disney's hand at play.

Regardless of it being Disney or not, the problem is that EA have now also taken that approach with battlefield. BF 1 is a lot closer to battlefront than battlefield 4 i.e.

- the movement, time to ADS etc. is identical (only obvious when playing in first person view in battlefront)
- ATAT is essentially the behemoths but without rails and able to allow more than 1 person
- heroes are now just a watered down version called elites instead
- gunplay (although I actually think gunplay is worse than battlefront as the hold LMB down for more accurate fire isn't as pronounced as it is in bf 1, especially for LMGs EDIT: Also, no stupid suppression mechanic.....)
- iirc, even the medal/codex system is the same?

etc. etc.

Either way, I am really looking forward to seeing the next battlefront as it has so much potential (won't be getting hyped up again though :p), even if it is just a battlefield 1 reskin with a few tweaks to the infy play, I'll be happy with that.
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Yup I imagine it was largely Disney's hand at play.

Regardless of it being Disney or not, the problem is that EA have now also taken that approach with battlefield. BF 1 is a lot closer to battlefront than battlefield 4 i.e.

- the movement, time to ADS etc. is identical (only obvious when playing in first person view in battlefront)
- ATAT is essentially the behemoths but without rails and able to allow more than 1 person
- heroes are now just a watered down version called elites instead
- gunplay (although I actually think gunplay is worse than battlefront as the hold LMB down for more accurate fire isn't as pronounced as it is in bf 1, especially for LMGs EDIT: Also, no stupid suppression mechanic.....)
- iirc, even the medal/codex system is the same?

etc. etc.

Either way, I am really looking forward to seeing the next battlefront as it has so much potential (won't be getting hyped up again though :p), even if it is just a battlefield 1 reskin with a few tweaks to the infy play, I'll be happy with that.

BF1 clearly has a lot in common with SWBF, especially the whole UI car crash, but there are key elements that make it a BF game that SWBF doesn't have.

-Squads, Squad points/objectives
-Bullet spread (Although the mechanics are very different to BF4, they're not really like SWBF). IMO the gunplay is much better than SWBF which is super casual, but there are big issues*
-ADS depends on the loadout like it did in BF4, trench versions ADS much quicker than suppressive for instance. The reason I used to love the mp7 so much in BF4 was the mobility it gave me and quick ADS, which was worth as much as higher fire rate or more damage to me.
-No "random" vehicle spawns/powerups
-No getting out of being funnelled into a channel by using your jetpack
-Bigger servers
-More vehicles
-Rentable servers, although the current model is not flexible enough on the customisation, and not being able to kick/ban or set VIP is a big mistake.

Heros were a mistake in BF4 let alone SWBF and BF1 (M32 mgl, god sniper..)

* My biggest gripe with the gun mechanics are that they put the classes into quite separate range groups with little overlap. The effect of this is that you rarely see a squad on any map with a representative from each class. It's like map A is good for support and assault while map B is for medic and scout which is broken IMO.
That is the only thing that really separates the gameplay imo, the core battlefield mechanics and not as casualised with the card and perk system (although I don't actually mind this, it is just some of the cards are utterly ridiculous i.e. grenades should be standard and you shouldn't have cards that hide you on the mini map, reduce incoming damage or increase damage etc.)

From my time in the alpha + beta and seeing your youtubers, ADS'ing seems to be a thing of the past, at least with every gun excluding the LMGs and snipers, I had way better luck just hip firing the SMGs + shotties in my play time, iirc, Josh said something similar when he killed you or you killed him. Biggest thing that ****es me of with bf 1 gunplay is the RNG and the cherry on top, they added bf 3 suppression back despite going through multiple versions of it throughout bf 3 AND BF 4....

Yup, I didn't like the pickups in bf 4 either, especially the pig on the community map but I dislike the direction they went with bf 1 "pickups" by not only giving a deadly weapon but extra health/armour on top.
-Bullet spread (Although the mechanics are very different to BF4, they're not really like SWBF). IMO the gunplay is much better than SWBF which is super casual, but there are big issues*

I actually prefer SWBF to BF1 for that - either have it something like BF4 or keep it casual - the weird mix and counter-intuitive mechanics in BF1 are just garbage regardless of the lengths some will go to defend them infact that they have to go to such convoluted lengths to justify it says it all.

For me it was one of the least negative aspects of SWBF as I could atleast accept it for what it was.
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Scarif is another disappointment

maps are small, with small amount of players, even walker assault is only 32 players
for some reason the layout makes every mode just call of duty team deathmatch
infiltration mode lasted less than 5 mins for all three levels

worst part is how the modes are only in the DLC rotation, you cant for example just play walker assault with all the maps (only vanilla maps, or as part of the entire dlc rotation) its such a bad system

I haven't played this since the first couple of months after release, so haven't played most of the DLC. Is this worth picking up again (bearing in mind I'll have to buy any DLC that isn't free)?
Scarif is another disappointment

maps are small, with small amount of players, even walker assault is only 32 players
for some reason the layout makes every mode just call of duty team deathmatch
infiltration mode lasted less than 5 mins for all three levels

worst part is how the modes are only in the DLC rotation, you cant for example just play walker assault with all the maps (only vanilla maps, or as part of the entire dlc rotation) its such a bad system


Problem is there's so few players that if you split them it would be difficult to fil a match so they just bundle everyone together.

I had a few good 10-15min infiltration games today where all 3 modes are played. Despite being my first time on scarif, using a pad and not having played it in a month and being a bad player I still came second/third overall so there must have been lots of newbs playing.

I did go 12-0 on the ships stage though. Advantage of using a pad and employing ww2 dogfighting strategies!
That's no moon!












Got to say, this really is good now with all the balance and changes, still casual as **** but really good fun for just a quick blast every now and then. Community doesn't seem as toxic either and certainly not to the same extent as BF games, can't say I am surprised though as only the hardcore fans and star wars fans will be left playing it now.

Heroes are still superb fun, was on the death star earlier and picked Luke, seeing the team all just turn around and run away was hilarious and then had 1 guy left who went to hide in a corner covered by boxes :D Can only imagine what it must be like with darth vader on the death star now that they have buffed his health :eek:

Love seeing people's avatars at the end too, some questionable ones but mine is the best :p


Can't wait for battlefront 2, as long as they add the battlefield mechanics of team work/play, proper classes etc. I'll be a happy boy :D
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