**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

One of the best releases I played for Beta testing was Titanfall. It was precisely because of how well the devs engaged the players during the beta phase that I paid full price for the game on release as well as the season pass. Well, that and the game was actually good fun to play with great hit reg.

But look what happened there. Game went stale, a year after release its as good as dead. To this day I still dont know why because it played really well, but ask anyone and after a while it becomes meh. It makes no sense because it offers a similar play experience to the likes of CoD. There have been 3 expansion packs I have never even played. I paid £20 for a season pass I didn't use because when I came back to play nobody was on the new maps. OK, partly my fault - but I believe from talking to others that even when people were playing a lot, it was mostly on the core game maps not the expansion ones.

I think the biggest issue for me with gaming in the last 8 years or so is that nothing is built to last. Nothing is built to have a future and a healthy community.

I think that is a direct result of a sales driven development environment. Take the old school arena shooters - people are still playing them today because of user dedi support and the allowance of user created maps / mods. They were also damn fine games in their own right. They were built to last and in the case of Quake 3 - it still runs just fine on a PC in 2015 as it did on release, even though official support for it stopped back in something like 2005. Can you really imagine anyone playing any of the recent online FPS titles in 10-15 yrs? Game content aside, would it even be technically possible?

As with many things in life, to me the culture has become throw away, transient and shallow.

I believe that until consoles offer the performance/functionality/versatility of a decent PC, FPS gaming is unlikely to get better because devs can't afford to alienate their biggest market. Online FPS gaming will remain in the realms of casual with only niche games on PC receiving anything more complex with any kind of longevity. But then consoles have never been designed to be more than an affordable casual gaming platform so to try and make them any more just defies the point of their existence.

So I think quality online FPS of old will remain in memory (still got my fingers crossed for the new UT though! :p ). I can honestly say Tribes Ascend has been the best online game I have played in a very long time, even though it isn't actually finished and is no longer supported. I hope there is a version of Tribes in the pipeline that isn't let down by the devs, but I won't hold my breath lol :p

I hope Battlefront is different, but I have been let down so many times in recent years I just feel cynical and jaded. GTAV has gone some way into restoring my faith in quality games being possible, though, so who knows - perhaps Battlefront will pull it off?

Titanfall ran great and was awesome to play at the beginning.

The biggest problem was it was so threadbare, a few titans, a few weapons and not a lot to do.

It became tiresome quickly.
Dice and EA have messed far too many thing up historically for me to ever pre-order from them again, regardless of the volume of carrot dangling that will inevitability happen. Ill await reviews before it gets bought.
Why do I hope people are smarter with their purchases? Isn't that obvious? Do you hope that everyone makes bad choices in their live?

...And that.

People can make their own mind up if they want to pre order or not. I'm not personally but I certainly won't condemn anyone who does. It's their money after all. I wouldn't call pre ordering a game a bad choice in life :D
You're implying I stopped them from making their mind up? I made my statement, I never forced them to do anything. Welcome to discussion forums.

Pre-ordering a game that we've seen next to nothing of is a bad move.

We have a pretty good idea of what it's going to be like. It's not like it's a new game idea. It's only £25 or whatever it is. It's not going to break the bank.

Hardline worked fine, bf4 as stated worked well eventually...maybe a year late but looks like they learnt from that mistake.
Pennies must be tight if pre ordering a game is regarded as a bad life choice. Really don't get the hate for other people pre ordering games on here.

It's not to do with what one can afford, but what it says to game developers. It tells them that they can get away with selling us smoke, mirrors and promises alone.
Pennies must be tight if pre ordering a game is regarded as a bad life choice. Really don't get the hate for other people pre ordering games on here.

Lol, You're either arrogant or stupid? Or both.

It's nothing to do with money.

As for the game, Just finished watching the first 3, now for the next and best 3.

Can't wait for the game if it's a decent product, and same goes for the new film.
Pennies must be tight if pre ordering a game is regarded as a bad life choice. Really don't get the hate for other people pre ordering games on here.

As Longbow stated, it's not merely pre-ordering that's regarded as a bad move but rather, pre-ordering without having seen much of the game.
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Pennies must be tight if pre ordering a game is regarded as a bad life choice. Really don't get the hate for other people pre ordering games on here.

Way to totally miss the point, congratulations.

It is nothing to do with 'pennies' but rather all to do with sending a message to the developer and publisher.
I'm very much looking forward to this. I know there are some gripes about space battles and all that but TBH i hated the space battles and to me, its just the next battlefield instalment. I really hope the lessons learned in BF4 come over and we get a more polished product from the start.

That said, I won't be pre ordering, though ill most likely buy very close to launch day as I find these games far more fun when nobody knows the maps, weapons etc and its a level playingfield :)
I'm very much looking forward to this. I know there are some gripes about space battles and all that but TBH i hated the space battles and to me, its just the next battlefield instalment. I really hope the lessons learned in BF4 come over and we get a more polished product from the start.

That said, I won't be pre ordering, though ill most likely buy very close to launch day as I find these games far more fun when nobody knows the maps, weapons etc and its a level playingfield :)

Aye, better not pre-order, you'll get moaned at for not 'sending a message to the developer'. :rolleyes:

Yeah I'm also glad there's no space battles as I don't think it would work that well. Bf4 in the Star Wars setting will do me. I never played the first Battlefront so I can't wait for this.
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It's a fair comment. The gaming community has been burnt a fair few times(only once myself).

Unless no one preordered then it won't have any affect so doesn't really matter.

Personally I'll buy it when I see proper release footage.
It's a fair comment. The gaming community has been burnt a fair few times(only once myself).

Unless no one preordered then it won't have any affect so doesn't really matter.

Personally I'll buy it when I see proper release footage.

Tbh, I was just trolling a bit to help along a nightshift. Don't agree with members getting jumped on for daring to pre order a game they're looking forward to though. I'm just glad they're making the game in the first place. Dice and EA seem to get a bit of a ribbing on here even though they both make/produce some bloody good games in my opinion, whilst also supporting PC.
Quite. Even after all of EAs screw ups I do rather like them and it would be a huge loss to the fps genre if battlefeild was pulled from PC. However the direction they are rumoured to be going of simplifying games fills me with dread. Hopefully the rumours are false as many are.

I do feel they take the **** with their pricing and expedited release cycle. If we didn't have to wait a year for bf4 to get to the state it's in now I wouldn't be anti EA. I would continue preordering games. Bf4 stung me :(.

I don't personally disagree with berating a member getting ahead of themselves but then again it's not my place to tell someone how to spend their money so I keep quiet(at least aimed directly).
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