**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

lol Kiwi, how can you say that. Are you not a massive Star Wars fan, that to me is everything I had hoped for.

Don't ever give me that boring drug you're on too mate :p
Very disappointed with that and I am hoping it is just down to that particular game mode....

Looks and sounds absolutely amazing but:

It looks very consoley, linear & arcadey, overall it just reminds me of hardline, crysis 2/3 and MOH.

Honestly, I wish they just kept to BF 3 and 4 style and did a reskin mostly :(


Also not sure if I like the idea of playable jedi's, there is no way they can balance them without making them extremely weak/useless i.e. not able to block anything from behind/sides

Twitter, Game - Not in the mood for multiplayer? No fear, Battlefront has Battlefront Missions - a single player mode. Wahey!

Why would you just want the same game again re-skinned? Things need to move on.

BF4 isn't going anywhere.

Well for myself, bf 4 is pretty much spot on for the "basics", in terms of capturing the true feel of a battle/battlefield without being a snorefest like ARMA, you can't beat it afaic. Of course I don't want just a complete reskin, I would want improvements overall and they would need to tweak/adjust certain stuff to make it work for a star wars game.

The graphics and sound are spot on but the gameplay did nothing for me and looks like the sort of game where I might only put 50-100 hours into at most, honestly it reminds me of MOH rush game mode but a reskin.

I need to see conquest large first before I really judge it though, although with only 40 players, I don't think it will be great....

There is no doubt that there will be premium and I'm sure DICE/EA will milk the absolute **** out of this game with dlc.... I put money on it now, expect "space battles" to be a DLC pack like naval strike, carrier assault in bf 4.
What have Australians got to do with battlefront????!

edit - agree with Nexus re jedis. How did they balance them in previous games?
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Looks a bit arcadey but we'll see what happens. Given its early and PS4 footage which doesn't help

This was my thoughts. Looks like a pick and go type of game. I want an element of strategy and skill akin to BF4.

Is this going to be a true BF game? Some of the UI elements look like Hard Line, which isn’t necessarily a good thing.

Graphics look good tho.
after bf4 i will never buy Dice game on day one.
i will wait for reviws on both Metacritics and other sites then will see only then.

Dice knows how to make a good looking clip and its all about graphics.
edit - agree with Nexus re jedis. How did they balance them in previous games?

It's been a hell of a long time since I've played them but iirc you couldn't in the first one and the second had a special game type for Jedi/sith characters. I don't think they ever mixed troopers and rebels with powered characters before.
I know it was scripted to as hell not indicative of anything game play related but....MEH.

Sounded brilliant though.
I've got to say, my mates are really excited for this.. That video didn't excite me at all. I love stars wars and I'm not feeling this. I hope I am wrong as I would love to be a Jedi :D
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