No server browser is going to kill this game very early in it's life.
There are plenty of games that work absolutely fine with no server browser.
No server browser is going to kill this game very early in it's life.
I also wonder how many people are slipping through their anti cheat system. I've noticed in nearly every game someone is getting caught, but as you know from BF there are many who do not.
No server browser is going to kill this game very early in it's life.
crap game, console crap
same crap from dice again.
Not sure mine is running right 290x xfire everything ultra but no AA and only seem to be getting between 30/48 fps at 4K.
crap game, console crap
same crap from dice again.
Everything else about the game is great but I can't justify paying 35 quid for a game where I can't even play with my friends...
It's only a beta. BF4 was the same on beta. Freinds wouldn't work at all, but on full release it worked fine.
I don't think SLI or Xfire is working for this at the moment. your frame rate seems fairly good for 4K with one 290x.
Too me it just doest't feel like a polished game,