Sounds like I'm one of the very few actually enjoying this game?
I am as well actually. At first I didn't, but now I'm used to it and am actually half decent it's quite fun. More so when you're on a Rebel side who knows what they're actually doing.
Sounds like I'm one of the very few actually enjoying this game?
I am as well actually. At first I didn't, but now I'm used to it and am actually half decent it's quite fun. More so when you're on a Rebel side who knows what they're actually doing.
Search you tube for "worth a buy starwars battlefront" cant link it due to swaring but that guy is a great honest reviewer.
Pretty game but I'm not feeling it. Guns don't feel right, maybe it's just the style of game play. Not a fan of card system either. Hit reg seems pretty bad too.
Those of us who played the alpha did try telling you lot many times that once you look past the star wars theme, graphics and audio, the game play itself is disappointing
Well to be fair, I never like to knock something before trying it for myself...
Some people do like the game on here, it seems to be like marmite
Actually no that's not fair to say, Ive only played it for 30mins, but it hasn't grabbed me.
When playing the beta on my laptop no matter if all low or all ultra I am getting random micro pausing/freezing/hitching like it's loading a new area of the map or something?! Laptop is 970m and 16gb ram yet my 7970 and 8gb ram PC plays it fine.
Any fixes or things to try?
Yeah unfortunately I can see cheating being even more of a problem in this game than any other DICE game
Yeah fair enough if people like the game, although I can't help but feel that a lot of the people who like it, it is purely because "star wars/graphics/audio" and if this was just another modern FPS/3rd person shooter, it would be getting a massive panning by most of those people too.
I think what has annoyed me the most and others who played the alpha is that we give plenty of feedback and they didn't listen to any of it and most of the issues that people are mentioning are the issues that we also brought up for the alpha i.e. people sneaking behind where you spawn, imperial side being more powerful, no spread/recoil, ADS/zoom being useless and just putting you at a disadvantage, the vehicle/gadget pick up system, no proper squad system like BF etc. etc. Instead of addressing all of those issues, they went and added even more game breaking stuff i.e. jedis, that sniper rifle gadget.
Whilst people might be enjoying it now, I can see the game being dead after a few months like hardline, titan fall etc. both of which I actually prefer to SWBF
That music is playing because someone has just picked up the hero token. Nothing to do with objectives.