****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

I find your blind faith...disturbing.

Honestly, i'd sit and watch the entirety of the prequel trilogy before watching TLJ if given a choice between the two. Not to say I entirely dislike TLJ. It frustrates me as there are some excellent segments in the movie bogged down by poor storytelling, cool/edgy subversion of expectations and forced humour.
Wait until they discover that Midichlorians give off tachyon, tetryon and neutrino emissions which, when combined with dilithium/trilithium crystals, allow time travel into the past and permit pseudo-Jedi to change history... resulting in alternate timelines with lots and lots and lots of lens flares, and the discovery that Tatooine used to be one of the Thirteen Colonies from Earth...!

Not sure whether to be proud or worried that I got every single one of those references.

BRB...gonna start BSG again :D
Yeah, but... "I LIED!!!" :D

Good sig quote, by the way...

Shame we can't have a thread for guessing the quote but folks would just google it. Remember the "Guess the screenshot" thread...that was great until google image search.

Commando btw.

In regards to the sig, love The Expanse, glad it's finally snowballing such a large following.
Looking at that clip of the Star Destroyers they appear to be all powered down, only lights coming from a few of them. Wouldn't surprise me if they're mostly just "parked" there unmanned. Probably see the rebels hijacking a few to bring to the final fight.

I'm going to say it's a fleet that Palpatine had built as a back-up plan and that was hidden away in the Unknown Regions and which is then discovered by the Knights of Ren who have been tasked with finding Palpatine's hidden weapons.
Has Lucas’s plot synopses leaked onto the net then? I’d be interested in knowing what his ideas were.

http://collider.com/george-lucas-star-wars-plans/#images - for the full story and more quotes -

Lucas said:
“[The next three Star Wars films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force… If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.”
Yeah ok that sounds dreadful! We don't need to know what the force is or how it works. That is worse than introducing the midichlorians.

Indeed, the idea of the force given by Kenobi in Episode 4 was enough. When you start trying to explain or go in depth, it just sounds silly. Well Lucas seems ok with it. That would have been a terrible trilogy. Fans just want more films like the OT, not trade wars and scientific explanation movies.
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lol - if there's one person that doesn't understand star wars its george lucas - tlj was garbage and the new one will probably be a train wreck though :)
For all it's fault I did like and still do like TLJ. But if the film's went the way Lucas wanted them too it really would have killed the franchise.
Really not expecting much from IX.


My rankings:

Excellent: Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One.
Good A New Hope, Return of the Jedi.
Decent:Attack of the Clones, The Force Awakens.
Poor: Revenge of the Sith.
Plain bad: Solo, The Phantom Menace.

Rogue One

Haven't seen Solo.
The whole TLJ ‘train wreck’ narrative doesn’t appear to be holding water as most seem to seem to rate it higher than EP1-3. Those didn’t get anything like the scrutiny or criticism as TLJ.

Seems the outrage is somewhat overblown.
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