****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

I'd sooner flush my money down the toilet than pay to go see this :p

I may watch it when it when it's not going to cost me anything, as long as it's better than the last one. I guess it can't be any worse. Can it?
Ep1 got 5/5 in most magazine reviews on release, it was only after ep2 was released that the industry shifted its tone with some even re-reviewing ep1 without the hype train in place.

You can't compare the timelines really. The prequels had a much bigger hype factor then the current releases but did eventually get heavily scrutinised for all being pretty terrible for the SW franchise.

Nowadays if you ask people they would probably say that at least the prequels felt like star wars!

At the time people thought the prequels didn't feel like star wars with the opening title crawl being all about politics. Even on my first viewing of the movie i thought it was crap, the whole scene with Anakin in the fighter magically getting through the shields of the droid ship (despite them supposedly being impenetrable), into the hanger bay and firing 2 torpedos that just happened to hit the power core was like the Ewoks in jedi all over again. Just a cartoony, stupid looking series of events that had barely any thought put into them.

Then you had other parts of the other movies that had ships with the shield generators on the hull of the ship outside the actual shield, like wtf? At least the "stupid" design of the death star was eventually explained, just seems like stupid design choices is part and parcel of the star wars universe when it suits a specific plot point and no one has any better ideas.
I don't care. Maybe I am a mug but I can't wait to see this movie! Infact it's the only time I will go to the cinema this year

No-one is saying "I don't like it so everyone else should have to hate it too" which is something people can mistakenly think is happening. If you are excited for this then that's great, I hope you find it a good ending to the saga.
No-one is saying "I don't like it so everyone else should have to hate it too" which is something people can mistakenly think is happening. If you are excited for this then that's great, I hope you find it a good ending to the saga.

I know. Just a lot of bashing going on in this thread.

For me i grow up loving the originals. Watched the prequals in my 20s and was utterly shocked and disappointed. The sequels I have enjoyed. Apart from Luke going all limp in the last one. The boy in me just wanted to see him kick some arse with mighty jedi powers ... I wanted him to wipe out the nights of Ren with Ray and then destroy snoke... But as I said that was the boy in me :D
Just read a story based on Disney CEO Bob Igers memoirs, that George Lucas wasn't happy that they didn't go with his story outlines he had submitted.

Would people have preferred this....

Lucas previously revealed the direction his sequel trilogy would have taken in an interview with director James Cameron, stating that Episode VII would have seen Luke Skywalker train up a new Jedi, named Kira, on a secluded planet (much like Ach-To). The movies would have also given us a closer look at the midi-chlorians, the microscopic life forms described as living everywhere and within everyone during the prequel movie Phantom Menace.

“Everyone hated it in Phantom Menace [when] we started to talk about midi-chlorians,” Lucas told Cameron in his book James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction. “There’s a whole aspect to that movie that is about symbiotic relationships. To make you look and see that we aren’t the boss. That there’s an ecosystem.”

Lucas added: “[The next three Star Wars films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force.”

The Whills were, as established by Lucas in the earliest drafts of Star Wars, an order of immortal beings who controlled everything through the Force. “Back in the day, I used to say ultimately what this means is we were just cars, vehicles for the Whills to travel around,” Lucas continued. “We’re vessels for them. And the conduct is the midi-chlorians. The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force.

Just read a story based on Disney CEO Bob Igers memoirs, that George Lucas wasn't happy that they didn't go with his story outlines he had submitted.

Would people have preferred this....

I think I have full blown eye cancer now...

Bloody Lucas trying to explain the 'Force', badly.. They're space wizards, leave it at that!
Oh god, picture it now...
Luke: Concentrate Kira, reach out....move that rock...
Kira: *Concentrates*

The Whills: Watch this bro, ima move this rock and she'll freak out!

:Rock moves:

Kira: Oh...haha wow did you see that!?

Luke: Yeah it wasnt you, its these things called the Whills, they moved it....they're *****!

Kira: *****!!!
Just read a story based on Disney CEO Bob Igers memoirs, that George Lucas wasn't happy that they didn't go with his story outlines he had submitted.

Would people have preferred this....


Doubt it, people were already annoyed in episode 1 that they had a way to "measure" the force and this midi-chlorians crap really was them attempting to explain something that didn't need an explanation. If anything i think if Lucas had got to make the versions he had in mind they would have been worse than the Disney efforts.
I'd take Jar Jar and Midichlorians over the excrement we got from Rian Johnson. Despite his reputation George has always had some great ideas that if shaped by a competent director and writer could have captured the magic of the original trilogy.
I'd take Jar Jar and Midichlorians over the excrement we got from Rian Johnson. Despite his reputation George has always had some great ideas that if shaped by a competent director and writer could have captured the magic of the original trilogy.

I think it was someone on RedLetterMedia that said you should always have a writer and director, never a writer/director. JJ is a good director but awful at stories, the less said the better about Johnson.

Oh and just to let it sink in, TROS is written by Abrams and the guy who wrote Batman v Superman and Justice League......
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I'd sooner flush my money down the toilet than pay to go see this :p
I may watch it when it when it's not going to cost me anything, as long as it's better than the last one. I guess it can't be any worse. Can it?

This is my view, mainly as i want to punish them for the rubbish that was episode 8.
It is unfortunate that one can't retract your money from the last film, as it is the one to be punished, i doubt 9 can be remotely anywhere near as bad.
other movies are supposed to be getting set in other parts of the galaxy.

And no doubt, despite being set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, these different parts of the galaxy will all be infected by, and adhere to, 21st Century Earth gender and social justice politics.
Dont mind new movies as long as they arnt all about women heroes because of PC or trans or whatever the latest PC groups are wanting at the studios. Bring back good old days of film where they dont force women focused films just because they feel they need to do it to be PC and make the world er whatever it is these days. If they really want to do it make a new franchise about all that not ruin old franchises to be pc friendly as frankly im sick of all these female focused re-imaginings like ghostbusters, star wars, even dirty rotten scoundrals has a female version that just came out..

Where will it stop.

Not against women or whatever its just certain franchises are set decades ago and should try to stay true to their roots is all. Like i said if they want PC films make new original idea franchises they can be cast in and keep old classics and their sequals the way they were loved in the first place.
I really can't be bothered with 9. I'll watch when it's free on one of the streaming services I already have. I desperately wanted to see what happened to the original cast but they just flushed those characters down the toilet. rey being an insta-mega-jedi is ridiculous. The attraction of the original trilogy was Lukes awakening and gradual improving.
I really can't be bothered with 9. I'll watch when it's free on one of the streaming services I already have. I desperately wanted to see what happened to the original cast but they just flushed those characters down the toilet. rey being an insta-mega-jedi is ridiculous. The attraction of the original trilogy was Lukes awakening and gradual improving.
It will likely only appear on Disney+
I'd take Jar Jar and Midichlorians over the excrement we got from Rian Johnson. Despite his reputation George has always had some great ideas that if shaped by a competent director and writer could have captured the magic of the original trilogy.
This. I thought Ep1 was the worst Until Ep8. As far as I'm concerned Jar Jar binks disguised himself as a Human & got into the the directors chair. It would give me more reason to hate him. :D:p;)
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