****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

Beacon mcguffin is a tiny, tiny issue in the grand scheme of mcguffinness of TROS. There are mind boggling things introduced in this movie:
- telekinesis through telepathy (ForcePortal™ premium upgrade to ForceFaceTime™ - objects can be physically passed between players during ForceFaceTime™ link, available to Rey and Kylo characters )
- Force Ghost telekinesis (physical objects caught, thrown and interacted with by Force Ghosts eg. Luke catching light sabre thrown by Rey, then handing it over to Rey)
- non Force users can now use Force Ghost package and have interactive conversations including touching (Han Solo vs Ben Solo)
- Force Healing™ with Force Resurrection™ package († note: rapidly drains mana from players without preinstalled Plot Shield package, only one resurrection per scene before Force Blanket Collapse™ applies).
- Force for Large Objects™ expansion set (player can wave with space ships in the air, only within selected map from Plot Convenience DLC, not available outside of Plot Convenience DLC, available to both Sith and Jedi factions )
- Force for Very Large Objects™ expansion set (player can control any number of space ships in the air, only within selected map from Plot Convenience DLC, not available outside of Plot Convenience DLC, available to Sith faction, level 10 mage or above)
You could technically win the entire war with just the first three, since weapons can be passed through ForceFaceTime™, ghosts can use weapons and physical objects and players in team can be healed and revived on the spot.
Items not available:
- Holdo Manoeuvre - temporarily withdrawn from all maps due to Plot Convenience DLC blue screening

Bang on and I noticed that stuff straight away but being a fantasy space film I just suspend belief.
Going back to the beacon - I don't follow films much, I switch off but Luke had been looking for that place all his life and it ended up that you can only find it with a pyramid thing because (in kids terms) all science around that area is different. The only way to find it is with a pyramid thing and you need help getting out.
Sounds reasonable to me in a fantasy world.
This film will obviously make money, if nothing else people will be seeing it for the memes but it's pretty telling that on a Thursday night release the cinemas are half dead on what is supposed to be a flagship film for the industry.
Saw this last night, free ticket from my bro via a work thing in a VIP screening so can't complain. Would rate it 'meh' overall. Some decent moments but some very dumb ones as well. Seemed like a lot of rushing about to achieve nothing for a couple of hours really until the finale.
Some thoughts...
-finding the wayfinder thing to get to the emperor just felt like Ep7 finding the map to Luke all over again
-emperor just back instantly at start of movie, glossed over it
-passing objects through the force should not be a thing
-rebel fleet at the end appeared and did nothing except get force lightening out of the sky
-end battle was rather under whelming I thought, was huge fleets but we really only saw a few ships actually blow up. Was hoping for more pew pew there. Poe showed us before he is an excellent dogfighter, he did nothing.
-Palps force lightening needs a nerf
-that kiss at the end was cringe worthy, should not have been in the movie.
I enjoyed it. It wasn't a great film, it wasn't a bad film.

It kind of feels like one of the half dozen mediocre Marvel films from the last 10 years. Pretty formulaic and nothing really surprising happening, but again still enjoyable for two and a half hours.
It's a shame that Rey never properly got to dual wield the sabres. I was really looking forward to that.

Also, I don't think the reveal of her heritage really added anything to the movie? It didn't change anything. I had come to terms with the fact she was a 'nobody' and I think they could have left it at that and it wouldn't have affected the story at all.
It's a shame that Rey never properly got to dual wield the sabres. I was really looking forward to that.

Also, I don't think the reveal of her heritage really added anything to the movie? It didn't change anything. I had come to terms with the fact she was a 'nobody' and I think they could have left it at that and it wouldn't have affected the story at all.

There is just too much going on, its three films worth in 2.5hrs! This whole 'arc' was Abrams plan all along but Johnson put a nail in that, he's had to right the ship in too short a space of time. Abrams is just not that good anyway, i can dream of a trilogy done by the likes of Nolan or Villeneuve though!
After seeing average reviews I’m not gonna be burnt again by going to the cinema, I’ve still not gotten over the previous cluster ****. I’ll just wait till I can download it.
I'm looking forward to a clean slate without the "baggage" of the original trilogy. Let's have some genuinely interesting stories set in the Star Wars galaxy.
Not even sure if..

It's clarified if Palpatine is a clone or not, when the rebels hear about it sith cloning is mentioned. But when you see palpatine he's attached to what is presumably a life support device, he only gets released from that when he takes the life force of Rey and Ben. So i'm guessing its the original Emperor and not a clone.

I know he's been a pretty useless character since TFA but...

Did we ever find out what Finn was going to tell Rey as they were sinking into the dirt?

Also I can't work out if they were trying to suggest Finn had suddenly become slightly Force sensitive, as he kept going on about how he "knew this" or could "feel that" with no explanation.

Is it bad that my favourite bit was...

The little guy who whipped C3-PO's memory (can't remember his name). I just need a little creature in my life who pops up when good things happen and yells "Wahaaaaaay!" :D

R2 really got shafted in the new trilogy! He was hardly around :mad:

BABU FRIK :) what a guy!
My personal opinion of it is this;

The film starts off with a group of people, travelling to a number of exotic locations, without rhyme nor reason, engaging in all manner of battles and encounters that don't seem to be entirely clear, or really make sense, before disappearing in a heartbeat to the next location. This is followed by a weird cameo appearance from Princess Leila, who seems to babble incoherent nonsense, it turns out these were actually deleted scenes from the last film that they used - and it shows. We then get repeat performances of great moments from the original movies (such as the ghost of Skywalker lifting his X-Wing out of the water AGAIN, to the same music) but unfortunately it just comes off as a cheap unimaginative ripoff.

The SFX of the star destroyers and other ships are obviously great, along with the creature creation and the use of real models rather than CGI for some of the creatures looked great. But with the budget involved, it doesn't really win any serious marks here, because it's eye candy with zero substance.

The scene with Rey and the emperor at the end just felt like some cheesy modern Hollywoodesque take on 'good vs evil' and it was just bad.

The characters all suck, the script is appalling, the frustrating this is; it doesn't have to be this way. As demonstrated by Rogue One, where you had excellent performances - such as Ben Mendensohn as "Director Krennic" who was excellent, even the CGI Peter Cushing runs rings around any of the bad guys in Rise of Skywalker. It underpinned an interesting and engaging story line which was fun and it felt more like how a modern star wars movie should be.

All in all, I hated rise of Skywalker, I thought it feels like the ideas came straight out of a boardroom, no substance, no engagement, no story, no interest, no creativity, no script - just eye candy.
My personal opinion of it is this;

The film starts off with a group of people, travelling to a number of exotic locations, without rhyme nor reason, engaging in all manner of battles and encounters that don't seem to be entirely clear, or really make sense, before disappearing in a heartbeat to the next location. This is followed by a weird cameo appearance from Princess Leila, who seems to babble incoherent nonsense, it turns out these were actually deleted scenes from the last film that they used - and it shows. We then get repeat performances of great moments from the original movies (such as the ghost of Skywalker lifting his X-Wing out of the water AGAIN, to the same music) but unfortunately it just comes off as a cheap unimaginative ripoff.

The SFX of the star destroyers and other ships are obviously great, along with the creature creation and the use of real models rather than CGI for some of the creatures looked great. But with the budget involved, it doesn't really win any serious marks here, because it's eye candy with zero substance.

The scene with Rey and the emperor at the end just felt like some cheesy modern Hollywoodesque take on 'good vs evil' and it was just bad.

The characters all suck, the script is appalling, the frustrating this is; it doesn't have to be this way. As demonstrated by Rogue One, where you had excellent performances - such as Ben Mendensohn as "Director Krennic" who was excellent, even the CGI Peter Cushing runs rings around any of the bad guys in Rise of Skywalker. It underpinned an interesting and engaging story line which was fun and it felt more like how a modern star wars movie should be.

All in all, I hated rise of Skywalker, I thought it feels like the ideas came straight out of a boardroom, no substance, no engagement, no story, no interest, no creativity, no script - just eye candy.

That's what happens when you don't have a story arc for 3 movies and let some random director thats barely done anything do what he wants for one of the movies, taking a huge dump on things set up in the first movie. How he got that job is beyond me, probably Pumping Kathy Kennedy on the side.

It really baffles me how they went into this trilogy without some kind of outline and a set of "do's and dont's" for the story. It's pretty obvious Snoke was meant to be more than he ended up being, and it's even more obvious Palpatine was brought back just as a last resort. The result is a third movie that seems like it's been gaffer taped together and booted out the door at the last minute.

Wonder if the rumours about multiple different cuts in the works simultaneously (ala suicide squad) were true and this is basically the best they could come up with if they wanted to make the release date? Says a lot that we've had an entire trilogy in under 4 years thanks to the Disney conveyor belt method of cranking out movies.
I saw the original Star Wars when it was new.
I really enjoyed episode 9. I was one of the first 3 people out of the Vue cinema. It had been packed busy going in (midnight first showing). Nobody was following behind me.
If this film is not for you so be it, but I think anybody who likes Star Wars will be pleased by this film. If you didn't like 9 you can't have liked 7 or 8, so why would you go and see 9?

''the story when you actually put it into words is so much nonsense to hang a visual experience on to'' Mark Hamill 1977, Blue Peter
It really baffles me how they went into this trilogy without some kind of outline and a set of "do's and dont's" for the story. It's pretty obvious Snoke was meant to be more than he ended up being, and it's even more obvious Palpatine was brought back just as a last resort. The result is a third movie that seems like it's been gaffer taped together and booted out the door at the last minute.

There is all that 'story board' artwork doing the rounds though with (i assume Rey) someone swimming under water in the wreckage of the Endor Death Star, so i believe Abrams had this all mapped out from day one, whether that included Palpy is only a guess but knowing JJ 'Cut and Paste' Abrams i suspect he was just going to do a 'modern' version of the OT, which is even sadder.
That's what happens when you don't have a story arc for 3 movies and let some random director thats barely done anything do what he wants for one of the movies, taking a huge dump on things set up in the first movie. How he got that job is beyond me, probably Pumping Kathy Kennedy on the side.

It really baffles me how they went into this trilogy without some kind of outline and a set of "do's and dont's" for the story. It's pretty obvious Snoke was meant to be more than he ended up being, and it's even more obvious Palpatine was brought back just as a last resort. The result is a third movie that seems like it's been gaffer taped together and booted out the door at the last minute.

Wonder if the rumours about multiple different cuts in the works simultaneously (ala suicide squad) were true and this is basically the best they could come up with if they wanted to make the release date? Says a lot that we've had an entire trilogy in under 4 years thanks to the Disney conveyor belt method of cranking out movies.

The most irritating thing for me, as demonstrated by Rogue One, that you can build around the story and make a star wars movie that works within the universe it's set in - it's not like they're dealing with an impossible task here.

Just have decent characters, people I feel like I care about - or hate, a story or side-story that's interesting, then let the visual experience and solid script tie it altogether to make a solid movie.

But instead they just churn out soulless rip off trash, milking the cow for all it's worth - and it shows.
Decided to forego some sleep this morning to go watch it so I can read the spoilers...

Yea, it ain't great, just about almost good. Well actually the only thing going for it, is that it isn't TLJ.

Who knew TFA would be the best of this bunch?! I was buzzing coming out of seeing that film, full of hope for a fantastic new trilogy, then along came Rogue One and upped the expectation further... Oh how I was fooled. :( Sad that the saga is over, but not for the right reasons.

Ah well, best films for me - OT = TESB | Prequels = ROTS | DISNEH = TFA

I'm not sure I ever want any more Star Wars now. I'm done. Maybe the Mandolorian if it continues, or something from the Sith side.
watched the film yesterday... thought it was entertaining but a complete mess and all over the place. 5/10 for me
Rey kissing Kylo Ren after he tried to kill her for three movies was laughable, the lesbian kiss at the end was just cringeworthy and unnecessary, also.... what was the deal with the kid moving the broom by force in the second movie at the end? did that ever get explained or did i miss something?
Really enjoyed it. Basically all 3 films in 1. JJ did what he could.

It very closely followed the expanded universe story with palpatine returning.

It was crazily fast paced.

I can’t say I ever predicted the trilogy ending with the light side winning and surviving through a palpatine!
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