****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

I'm just glad it's finished and to see it all in my life time as it progressed nearly 40 yrs .. my god what an accomplishment ..
it finished as it should with the light winning .. lets hope the future of mankind can do the same .
just like the bible it's a story to keep evil at bay .to give hope and direction to the young ..
there will be many more but to me .... it was my story of hope .

Well that was so much better than the LJ.

Actually really enjoyed it as the ending of this trilogy.

Certainly no where near one of the best SW films but it ended things of nicley.

WEDGE!! Best cameo
Sounds like it sucks then, what a surprise.
Scoring a pretty poor 6.8 on IMDb so far.
I'll pass on it until I can watch it for nothing.

Its critics sticking a middle finger because Abrams gave the fans what they wanted. Basically because the last jedi was the second comming of Jesus to critics when in fact it was utter dross. It's actually not that bad. My only problem as already mentioned is that it feels like 3 movies crammed into one due to what had to be fixed from the previous film.

Ben Solo was a far far better performance than the previous movie.
I have to give it to Abrams he did his best to undo all that rubbish from the last jedi. Thoroughly enjoyed the film. Was nice to see Wedge Antilles Cameo.

Yup, he made the best of a bad situation. I didn’t think he would be able to do it as well as he did. Shame he didn’t get the whole trilogy. At least he gives the fans what they want.
Good job they stumbled onto that snake pit. Wonder how that ship they got in afterwards managed to still be there after a decent amount of time?
The ending was actually ok, the problem was the three films preceding the ending.

If this film in particular ended how it did but had a coherent story that didn't spend 75% of the time desperately trying to give a reach around to over 30 males who worshipped this film and must have it their way, then it would have been good.

The comment "it gave the fans what they wanted" is true but it sacrificed an objectively good film to keep the die hard happy. In doing so they've killed any future for the franchise beyond random side bits because they haven't spent any time building decent new characters or remotely decent storylines.

Considering the money they have and the amazing job they have with the MCU how this Hodge podge, mess of a trilogy which was essentially a weird fan tribute (apart from a terrible middle entry) got to be made and screened is baffling. There are gems in among the mess but ultimately it was a poor showing.

This film was horrific for the first 2 hours and the last battle bits actually felt like star wars for a very short while.

The cinematography and the score were amazing mind, some of the set pieces were just amazing.

A random observation which tickled me

They were against the new order or whatever they ended up being destroying the galaxy, but after making a very clear point that the order should go round up the youth of the galaxy and get them as crew onboard the new ships (look at the bridge crew in these scenes, there are a lot of young faces) the rebel rebel alliance was apparently cool with killing a large portion of the youth of the galaxy who have been abducted and forced into service.

Bit of a **** move by the rebels :p
My son at that moment (he has a weird sense of humour) muttered to me "and I am John Cena" no idea where it came from but I burst out laughing and couldn't stop and a few people didn't look happy :p
Yup, he made the best of a bad situation. I didn’t think he would be able to do it as well as he did. Shame he didn’t get the whole trilogy. At least he gives the fans what they want.

They wanted a return of a bad guy which negates what vader did?
They wanted a return of a bad guy which negates what vader did?

Being the worst part.

Saw this earlier thanks to the magic of tickets I didn't buy.

Palpatine coming back basically ruins the premise of the original series and the prequels. The rise and fall of Anakin in the prequels coupled with his redemption in the original trilogy is null and void with Palpatine coming back. The entire point of those movies was for Anakin to bring balance to the force, and in Return of the Jedi he did exactly that, he redeemed himself while saving his son. He brought said balance by killing Palpatine. All of those characters are dead and gone now, their contributions pointless thanks to one movie that was desperately trying to fix the chocolate starfish that was TLJ by Rian Johnson.

Utter garbage, I'll pretend it never happened.
Why did palpy not just disarm Rey or even just stop his force lightning to stop killing himself?

why didn’t he kill them after he drained them?

Why did Ren’s Knights turn on him? Why could he not just throw them away with the force?

How come Palpy wasn’t interested in his son and how come his son didn’t find some power to save his wife and daughter?

why did palpy keep clones of snoke knocking around?

what would happen if the power ranger didn’t have that coin thing or didn’t give it Poe?

how did they end up in the exact right place for that knife to line up with the DS?

if force ghosts can physically manifest themselves and manipulate objects, why don’t they help?

when Rey and REN fight each other when not in the same place, what does an observer see?

why did Rey kiss kylo when she knew the evil acts he had committed?
It took 3 movies to finally get the "Knights of Ren" on the scene and when they arrived they had the impact of a wet fart.

No talk about how Luke's Sabre was found (a story for another day).

Rose was Jar Jar'd for this movie and spent most of it off screen.

Leia seemingly pops her clogs for no noticeable reason.

R2 may as well not have been in these 3 movies at all as "he" was relegated to being a background ornament for the most part.

Surprisingly, no sign of Yoda or other force ghosts you would have thought would make an appearance to close out the end scene.
It took 3 movies to finally get the "Knights of Ren" on the scene and when they arrived they had the impact of a wet fart.

No talk about how Luke's Sabre was found (a story for another day).

Rose was Jar Jar'd for this movie and spent most of it off screen.

Leia seemingly pops her clogs for no noticeable reason.

R2 may as well not have been in these 3 movies at all as "he" was relegated to being a background ornament for the most part.

Surprisingly, no sign of Yoda or other force ghosts you would have thought would make an appearance to close out the end scene.

You wanted more of rose? :eek:
You wanted more of rose? :eek:

Nope, just odd to see someone who had a lot of screen time in one movie being demoted to a virtual cameo role in the next. Jar Jar is comparable in that respect, a lot of backlash etc leading to the role being cut down to near nothing.
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