Just got back from seeing this. It's a very hard film to review.
If you rate it as your typical movie where you consider acting, location, cinematography, musical score, composition, editing etc etc then 1/10..but that's not fair as I don't think that's what this film was about. It's about easter eggs, nods from the past, cgi effects so if we rate it more like a video game then a solid 8/10 or maybe 9/10.
There was no storyline, but after the first two we knew there wasn't going to be. Nothing made sense, therefore nothing could be explained. The public was never emotionally attached to the characters either so everyone was expendable.
This was a film designed for the big screen. When everyone around you is sniffing, talking, texting or munching on popcorn, doritos or cadburys mini twirl bites it's the perfect flm to disengage your brain, watch for a bit, daydream, snooze....basically a great film to relax with....a stress reliever if you will.
If I don't think too hard about it, I did quite enjoy it.