****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

Nope, just odd to see someone who had a lot of screen time in one movie being demoted to a virtual cameo role in the next. Jar Jar is comparable in that respect, a lot of backlash etc leading to the role being cut down to near nothing.

Sadly the same thing happened to the Knights of Ren.

Why did we need to wait until the third movie to finally see them, only to find out they're just a random bunch of useless idiots?

I don't think it's possible for anyone to objectively look at this movie, or trilogy, and not think it's utter garbage.
Tick boxes. A whole list of tick boxes. Use Knights of Ren (tick), use Maz (tick), give Chewie a medal (tick) and so on.
Sadly the same thing happened to the Knights of Ren.

Why did we need to wait until the third movie to finally see them, only to find out they're just a random bunch of useless idiots?

I don't think it's possible for anyone to objectively look at this movie, or trilogy, and not think it's utter garbage.

Phasma, Snoke and the Knights of Ren were all total failures in terms of characters that there was some build up to. Snoke shows up for 5 minutes then gets cut in half, Phasma only had a few moments of screen time and was just a commander in fancy armour. KOR were shown in flashback form like they were badasses that could hold their own, then they show up for a couple of minutes and die in quick order. There was zero character to them at all or even a decent look at them. May as well have been nameless stormtroopers with different weapons.

Presumably Abrams thought that the second movie would have expanded on the KOR more (enter Rian johnson who had a dose of the trots and proceeded to unload that onto these characters), by the time the third movie rolled around there was no time to do much with them and they were just barely capable grunts with minimal screen time.

It's clear it was a mad scramble to get this movie finished, blowing your load with Palpatine inside of 3 minutes of the title crawl just makes no sense. And the rebels reaction to him being alive was basically "Meh", as one review said in the Star Wars universe bringing Plaptine back is the real world equivalent of Hitler reappearing after 35 years with a massive army. Yet their reaction to it was pretty much absent.
Well mixed feelings on movie. Agree that they had to fix the mess then last movie was. Good action scenes but meh.
but I can't let go off the life giving technique which was so hard and secret to do that rey and Ben could just do. Also Leia got jedi training, thanks for that 2secs mention
Well mixed feelings on movie. Agree that they had to fix the mess then last movie was. Good action scenes but meh.
but I can't let go off the life giving technique which was so hard and secret to do that rey and Ben could just do. Also Leia got jedi training, thanks for that 2secs mention

No surprises who had to win that duel either.
visually a great movie.

However, the over the top powers such as the healing, teleportation of objects, super hardcore lightning felt over the top for me. Felt like some of the now cannon books where they become godlike.

also the final order on a single planet could build all those ships underground in secret. Yeh, noo.. more ships than the entire imperial navy at its peak..
visually a great movie.

However, the over the top powers such as the healing, teleportation of objects, super hardcore lightning felt over the top for me. Felt like some of the now cannon books where they become godlike.

also the final order on a single planet could build all those ships underground in secret. Yeh, noo.. more ships than the entire imperial navy at its peak..

And not to forget that every one was equipped with a cannon that wielded death star type destruction. So thousands of smaller, faster death stars essentially.
And not to forget that every one was equipped with a cannon that wielded death star type destruction. So thousands of smaller, faster death stars essentially.

This film angered me for its absolutely sloppy plot hole filled storyline.

I mean are we supposed to believe that rey, with 2 lightsabers can overpower palpatine who we have seen can muster force lightening enough to decimate an armada?!
And lets not forget, this is a planet that nobody outside of the sith knew about, so why wernt they just in orbit anyway?!

Grrr im going to stop there. I enjoyed it for mindless starwars cos starwars, but jesus it was painful to watch for any semblance of actual story.
I dont mind Rey being a GOAT, just show some ******* progression, she handed Kylo his ass in the FIRST film, where are we supposed to go from there?

Palpatine was the strongest. Luke defeated his father and Palpatine would have killed Luke without intervention. It was the traits of the light that won through with the love of a father coming through to overcome evil rather than brute strength. After what we learn about Rey it at least explains her enormous power.

I agree Ben Solo was handled poorly throughout but he was cast much better in the final film.
I saw it last night and can’t believe how poor it was. Visually and audibly amazing but an exceptionally poor story and awful direction. The start was a mishmash of scenes stapled together that never felt fluid or interesting. Loads of plot holes and wtf moments throughout.
This film angered me for its absolutely sloppy plot hole filled storyline.

I mean are we supposed to believe that rey, with 2 lightsabers can overpower palpatine who we have seen can muster force lightening enough to decimate an armada?!
And lets not forget, this is a planet that nobody outside of the sith knew about, so why wernt they just in orbit anyway?!

I called that my "Flash" Moment. Countless times you get the flash getting his arse handed to him, just about to give up then everyone's "you can do it flash, we believe in you". Boom instant revival flash wins.
i can’t help but feel this last movie could have been split up and been the plot basis for the latest trilogy

1st movie could Still Have the 1st order being the new antagonists but slowly introduce to us the main plot of palpatine being alive and pulling all the strings from behind the scenes but no one else knowing, then slowly build up the story of palpatine using snoke as a puppet to get kylo ren to turn rey to the dark side and eventually as in the 3rd movie meet palps and take her place as the sith empress

I feel the first 2 films now feel like they are just filler

I did really like the dark feel of the opening scenes even though it felt a bit rushed but then it all turned to **** , if they kept this tone throughout I’d have liked it a lot more

I’d really like to see a movie where a Sith Lord is the main character with focus on the backstory, something along the lines of joker but in the star wars universe
It was better than TLJ and I enjoyed it to a degree.

The whole Leia thing felt forced. The dialogue other characters had with her obviously had to fit in with stuff Carrie Fisher recorded when filming TFA and it didn’t work for me.

As mentioned the teleportation of objects through the force seemed rather convenient.

If they had gone Rey to the dark side at the end I’d have been happy. I was hoping, and it was a vain hope, that shed end up being Darth Zannah. Darth Bane had found the secret of essence transfer. I was hoping Zannah had also done so and she’d transferred her consciousness to new force sensitive hosts over the preceding 1000 years.

Ah well maybe Disney will redeem themselves, in my eyes, by making the Bane trilogy as a hard R.
Maybe this is a Star Wars for a new generation, but for me it was like they gave the franchise to Michael Bay. No pacing, no character development, no real story arc - just action sequences randomly stitched together and no emotional involvement as a result. There were some decent bits in the last 1/3 - if you're a SW fan you can't help get involved when the music kicks in and the lightsabres are crackling - but it was cheap fan service at best and the rest was poor. The most telling point was when:

Rey thought she'd blown up Chewie and I honestly didn't care. Chewbacca was dead and it was like 'yeah, why not.'

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed Rogue One, Solo and Mandalorian. They've given me hope the franchise is not lost and that Disney has some writers capable of putting decent stories with decent characters together in the SW universe. It's just a shame and, along with the prequels, such a wasted opportunity we won't get back.
I think they smashed that out of the park - really enjoyed it. Very rich film, huge amounts going on there and the world and law was expanded substantially.

Big thumbs up from me!
Just got back from seeing this. It's a very hard film to review.

If you rate it as your typical movie where you consider acting, location, cinematography, musical score, composition, editing etc etc then 1/10..but that's not fair as I don't think that's what this film was about. It's about easter eggs, nods from the past, cgi effects so if we rate it more like a video game then a solid 8/10 or maybe 9/10.

There was no storyline, but after the first two we knew there wasn't going to be. Nothing made sense, therefore nothing could be explained. The public was never emotionally attached to the characters either so everyone was expendable.

This was a film designed for the big screen. When everyone around you is sniffing, talking, texting or munching on popcorn, doritos or cadburys mini twirl bites it's the perfect flm to disengage your brain, watch for a bit, daydream, snooze....basically a great film to relax with....a stress reliever if you will.

If I don't think too hard about it, I did quite enjoy it.
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