** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

I enjoy all the films, they have their pros and cons (both original trilogy and prequels) 90% of the hating on the prequels is just nostalgia. Everyone I've shown both trilogies to (who hadn't seen either before) has not had these complaints.

Disney have done wonders with the MCU, I can't think of many better to be bringing Star Wars back to the big screen.
Here's the thing, the people that give a **** about the EU are a minuscule proportion of the people that will see Star Wars.

Also why does it matter? They are still stories and they are still good stories, why do you need someone to say "These are real"?
Just because people went to see the films does not mean they loved them. The ratings were mediocre across the board, from critics to audiences. You don't have to be a film critic to notice the quality of the writing and acting decreased significantly.

But you just said audiences don't forget terrible films? If they were so bad then why did all three films of the trilogy do very well?
Woah....better than KOTOR? It was good but not that good. The problem with the series is that while there were some great episodes there were also a lot of irritating episodes.

KOTOR is unmatched in the universe.
And it seems the empire is still around in this one? Tie Fighters, storm troopers etc? Apparently they've rebuilt somehow. :confused:

This may seem a surprise but when the Emperor died, the entire Empire didn't all suddenly keel over and die. An entire galaxy of Imperials :p
Yeah stupid, show horn another sabre in for the sake of it. They went thousands of years with just a single or double blade. In the prequels SLJ wanted a purple blade, fair enough. Then Disney have conjured up the Inquisitor, another sith with another retarded lightsabre and now this broadsword with a hilt that would do the wielder more damage :D

Every one of these films is going to **** on the lore of the first 3, I guess we better get used to it. The Rebels series is just awful, can't believe it got made awful. Actually kids Luke wasn't the last of the jedi and there's more sith than two.
All of that had already been established in the extended universe. Even the purple lightsaber was already in the universe before the prequel films.

Maybe so but that was sort of the insinuation at the end of the third movie, that they would collapse and just scatter. With Vader and the Emperor gone id imagine some kind of power struggle would have taken place which could have ended up with multiple factions aligning to specific commanders or something along those lines.

Possibly, an entire empire wouldn't just collapse and scatter though. Likely another commander strong enough would take control. Remote planets would likely not even know the emperor had to died for a long time and just continue operating under their governer as normal.
dem black bars! that guy needs an ultrawide monitor :D

I kinda like the saber though. Didn't lucas say somewhere that he wanted the saber to feel more like a sword that had weight with heavier hits. The hilt would make sense if that's the direction they have gone. Im sure when we see it in the actual movie it will fit into place.

What has having a hilt got to do with weight? A hilt serves one purpose (well perhaps two) and that is protecting the wielder. How would this protect the wielder? A blade sliding down would just cut the black part of the hilt off.

They originated with SLJ asking for them as part of his condition for being in the film, then it was lobbed in a couple of video games. Theres plenty of videos and literal evidence with SLJ saying Lucas said they only come in three colours. It certainly wasn't established in the SW universe, a couple of video games. Anyway as well all know the expanded universe is no longer worth **** :D

I'm 95% sure that there were purple lightsabers in the universe before the prequels.
I never said the hilt had anything to do with weight.. Im just saying that I read somewhere that lucas wanted the sabers to be more like actual swords that hit heavy which would maybe explain the reason why it has a hilt because they want them to appear more like actual swords....
When you think about the original saber design it would be so simple to cut the other persons fingers off in an instant lol.

Not really, lightsabers have always been shown to be very high friction, I can't recall many times that I've seen blades sliding against each other. They mostly seem to clash and stick.

And to be honest who gives a **** what Lucas wanted. Star Wars is a lot bigger than him now and frankly it's been a lot better when he hasn't been involved. What would you rather see? The 'epic' duel between Obi Wan and Vader in Episode 4 or any other lightsaber battle ever. I know what I'd choose. It makes no sense that lightsabers would be heavy.
Exactly :p Canon was always a bit of a fuzzy term anyway when it came to Star Wars.

I don't see why lightsabers should only be green, red and blue. It doesn't impact on the universe at all having other colours.
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