** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

They will be making star wars movies for years and years with spin off's and all sorts.

Not surprised as there is a lot of money to be made with a series like this.

Lets just hope a few of them are good.
i just think its a shame that George hung on to this empire for so long and did nothing else with it. The cult following at the time was massive and still is. from 1984 onwards we could have had so many more stories.

I will look fwd to the film, but yes i think it will become like the marvel films, spinning off all over the show..

i would however like to see a big budget TV series, something like that with light sabers would be cheesey but hey :D
i just think its a shame that George hung on to this empire for so long and did nothing else with it. The cult following at the time was massive and still is. from 1984 onwards we could have had so many more stories.

Going by his last few efforts I'm bloomin' glad he did
So, it seem that 7, 8 and 9 aren't going to be a continuation of the story from 1-6, but most likely a new story.

I wouldn't have minded a continuation of the original saga, the reconstuction of the Jedi order and so on, especially as they could have used some of the original cast, but I have no problems with a sensible new trilogy.
So, it seem that 7, 8 and 9 aren't going to be a continuation of the story from 1-6, but most likely a new story.

I wouldn't have minded a continuation of the original saga, the reconstuction of the Jedi order and so on, especially as they could have used some of the original cast, but I have no problems with a sensible new trilogy.

:confused: How can it not be a continuation? I mean, obviously 1-6 was all tied up at the end, but even if it's the start of a new story arc then it still has to be a continuation of sorts. You can't just pretend 1-6 didn't happen.....especially if some of the original cast are back.
Apparently a KOTOR film is being considered.


Think a lot of film 'News' websites are just picking up any trend on a forum and throwing it in as an artical, it's safe to say every option is being considered right now by Disney/Lucas Films.
A KOTOR film would be pretty damn good. I loved the plot of that game.
I wonder which morality options they'd choose.

Rogue Squadron film... in the style of Top Gun.
I'd pay to see this. :D
I think it's a good idea, I love Clone Wars (well I have a love, hate thing going. It's brilliant at times and a stupid kiddy show at others) but how much further can they go with it?

A series set inbetween two fixed events is stupid anyway, you know exactly who can and can't die and there is barely any character progression. No matter how good Anakin is he's still going to revert to a bratty **** in Episode 3.

I'd rather they did a series in a different time that allowed them much more opportunity to create great storylines and characters (I feel like I'm on a loop here but KOTOR!)
im sure some will make a cameo, and i bet that Boba fett, survived :D

He did read the Expanded universe Novels! I'm still of the opinion that 1-3 aren't Star Wars at all and should have never been related to the awsomeness of the 1st films and expanded universe stuff as for any new works if they ignore all the canon established in the EU Books I'll be extremely ****ed!
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ignore all the canon established in the EU Books

The books are not, have never been and will never be "canon" as far as the films are concerned. Lucas himself maintains that they are two entirely different universes which he simply tried to keep somewhat consistent.

I think anyone hoping for Disney to use anything from the EU beyond small references and general similarities is likely to be bitterly disappointed. Not to mention that at this stage the EU is pretty damn convoluted, I mean where could they realistic start without either missing out tonnes of material or throwing themselves into a big old pile of expanding plot lines which would take decades to resolve?

Personally I hope for something new, the EU stands on it's own substantial merit, give us something different.
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Indeed, it would be like Marvel making an X-men film that follows on from everything that's happened in the comics....it would be crap.

Film audiences won't accept stuff that fans accept in 'wider universe' material.
Indeed, it would be like Marvel making an X-men film that follows on from everything that's happened in the comics....it would be crap.

Film audiences won't accept stuff that fans accept in 'wider universe' material.

But it's all damn awesome... well I count from the Han Solo trilogy (Pre-ANH) - Legacy era (37 years post Battle Of Yavin) and practically all of them would make damn good viewing especially the X-wing Series, the Thrawn trilogy & Hand Of Thrawn Duology
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But it's all damn awesome... well I count from the Han Solo trilogy (Pre-ANH) - Legacy era (37 years post Battle Of Yavin) and practically all of them would make damn good viewing especially the X-wing Series, the Thrawn trilogy & Hand Of Thrawn Duology

A lot of it is but it has it's howlers


But what do you do, just retell the same stories they've already told? Fans would just complain at any change from the source material and it's not guaranteed that it would translate well anyway.
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