** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

This will fail hugely, but who will be able to tell since they will be blinded by lens flair and million miles an hour action. It's got JJ Abhrams **** stain trousers all over it.

I hate him as a director.
I'm hoping the weight of the SW legacy tempers him and he tries to do it justice, but then again, helming Star Trek into a black hole as he's done, im not hopeful.

Exactly the reason I was astonished to read he was directing this, but then I remember that as long as he gets a huge audience of people who have never seen it before regardless of holding true to the fans, money is everything that counts.
Would be a good choice. He was good as Kaaaahhnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!

Actually he wasn't, I rate Benedict Cumberbatch quite highly and I'm sure he will make a good sith, but he was only Kahn by name in the last movie. It was the very first and only time Cumberbatch sucked at anything. I hope it was a one off dud
I'm becoming less and less hopeful that this movie will be any good.

You mean you had hope to start with?

Lol. We know how this will end. Yes, yes... give in to your hatred (of ****e films).

It will be amusing to see how awful it turns out. Will they reach new heights like they did with Jar Jar Binks?
If Effron's in it. I'm out.

If they do that, it will be a huge middle finger to all fans. They'll just be trying to get the idiot demo

Effron's actually a decent actor, certainly more than capable for this type of movie.

It's a StarWars movie! they already have the idiot demo.
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