It's going to be **** isn't it?
I do hope not.
Disney have a habit of making bloody good films.
As long as they don't let Lucas have too much to do with it, we should hopefully be okay.
Yes there will be marketing, yes it might be aimed at a younger audience, but even then I am not convinced that will make it a bad film.
They recently made Frozen, a musical, a kid's film, a kid's musical.... yet it is excellent.
I have high hopes, as long as they don't rely on George for creative influences.
Episodes 1 2 3 were utter twadlle, as was episode 6. Rewatch 3 now, the 'best' of the new bunch, and each scene is woefully poor.
Bad script, good actors being badly directed, and CGI messing up the whole screen regularly.
They simply cannot do any worse.