** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

I just hope it doesn't invalidate the post movie novels. There's a lot of good material there that would be a shame if they ignored.

That's my worry.



Once you read the rest of the expanded universe you realise that would be a weak trilogy compared to the Vong invasion, Jacens fall to the darkside or the fate of the Jedi series.

No Luke please - happy to be rid of that whiner imo!

He is absolutely awesome in the expanded universe.
I think people forget that the original trilogy was also for kids... its just we were kids at the time.

We are not going to get a dark Nolan reboot of Star Wars no matter how awesome that would be for us now as adults.

But ANH and ESB were "edgy" and there was nothing in them was aimed at kids specifically.....unlike ROTJ onward. That's why we loved them as kids - because they didn't treat us like kids.
I wonder how much he sold for. Interesting he sold ILM and Skywalker Sound. :eek:

I reserve judgement until I see any new films, but they can do no worse than Jar Jar Binks and emo Anakin.
Brilliant news... I actually enjoyed all the Star Wars films. I've read many of the novels and the potential is HUGE to do more films, perhaps a series or even both!!!

Here's hoping!!
Brilliant news... I actually enjoyed all the Star Wars films. I've read many of the novels and the potential is HUGE to do more films, perhaps a series or even both!!!

Here's hoping!!

When they reference the 17,000 characters and books I have hope he will not **** all over the expanded universe. Then again it's Lucas so my heart sinks. In the expanded universe Lucas only ever wanted complete control over Luke. Only he could decide how and when he died. They had better not wrap him up in the new trilogy and write off the last 100 expanded universe books :(
A well produced live action Star Wars TV series could be extraordinary. Get it wrong and it would be abortively bad.

I think a high class series would be better. ~16hrs per book rather than ~2 (just a bit long than it is for audio books which are around 12hrs)
Assuming they follow books.
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